聯合國推動「國際沙漠與沙漠化年」 | 環境資訊中心







UNCCD執行長迪亞洛(Hama Arba Diallo)表示:「環境惡化對國家安全和國際情勢穩定具有一定的衝擊,這已是普遍共識。因此,沙漠化已被視為對人類安全的威脅。」



UN International Year of Deserts and Desertification Opens
NEW YORK, New York, January 2, 2005 (ENS)

To raise global public awareness of advancing deserts as a major threat to humanity, the United Nations has declared 2006 to be the International Year of Deserts and Desertification. Desertification is the loss of the land’s biological productivity, caused by human activities and climate change.

Activities planned for this year will explore ways to safeguard the biological diversity of the arid lands that cover one-third of the planet and to protect the knowledge and traditions of the two billion people affected by the phenomenon of desertification.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, "I look forward to working with governments, civil society, the private sector, international organizations and others to focus attention on this crucial issue, and to make every day one on which we work to reverse the trend of desertification and set the world on a safer, more sustainable path of development."

Desertification and drought cause an estimated loss of $42 billion a year from agricultural production, contribute to food insecurity, famine and poverty and can give rise to social, economic and political tensions that can cause conflicts, further impoverishment and land degradation, according to the Convention's Secretariat.

"It is widely recognized that environmental degradation has a role to play in considerations of national security, as well as international stability. Therefore, desertification has been seen as a threat to human security," said UNCCD Executive Secretary Hama Arba Diallo.

At the same time, these natural habitats with their incredibly diverse animal and bird life have been home to some of the world's oldest civilizations and the Convention's Secretariat hopes the Year will also celebrate the fragile beauty and unique heritage of the world's deserts, which deserve protection.

The Convention's 10th anniversary will be marked in December 2006. Currently, the Convention counts 191 states parties, making it one of the most representative treaties on environmental protection stemming from the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.