澳法官判決新礦開發評估需納入氣候變遷衝擊 | 環境資訊中心



新南威爾斯計畫礦區 (圖片來源: Rising Tide Australia)新南威爾斯土地與環境法庭20日裁決百年煤礦股份有限公司並無足夠的溫室效應氣體排放額度來開發鐵砧山礦區。因為如果核准採礦,燃燒的煤礦將釋出溫室效應氣體。法官潘恩(Nicola Pain)也裁定否決了新南威爾斯計畫部對礦區所作的環境影響評估。



新南威爾斯計畫部部長沙特(Frank Sartor)說,潘恩法官判決的結果將對澳洲許多企業造成痛苦,「不要低估會有多少企業因此而受影響。」針對此案,新南威爾斯政府將尋求上訴。

百年煤礦公司礦場 (圖片來源: Cenntenial Coal)綠色和平能源運動負責人皮爾森將此判決視為封鎖通往新礦開發的道路。「這是個歷史性的決定,」他說。「如果你將氣候變遷的衝擊納入,新礦區應禁止開發。




Australian Judge Blocks Coal Mine on Climate Grounds
SYDNEY, Australia, November 29, 2006 (ENS)

綠色和平的抗議人士(圖片來源:Greenpeace Australia)The New South Wales Land and Environment Court decided Tuesday that Centennial Coal Company Ltd, developer of the Anvil Hill mine, failed to adequately account for the greenhouse gas emissions from burning the coal that the mine would produce if approved. Justice Nicola Pain ruled that the New South Wales Department of Planning approval of the mine's environment assessment was void.

Centennial Coal is Australia's largest independent coal producer. It operates 11 mines in New South Wales, supplying power plants, industries, and export markets.

The case was brought by Peter Gray, a 26 year old student at the University of Newcastle, who sued Centennial Coal and the New South Wales Department of Planning. Gray successfully argued that any approval of the Anvil Hill coal mine should take into account the impact of climate change, even emissions created by burning the coal years later in foreign countries.

澳洲的火力發電廠 (圖片來源:Macquarie Generation)New South Wales Planning Minister Frank Sartor said the effect of Justice Pain's ruling could be painful for much of Australian industry. "Don't underestimate how many industries could be touched by this." The New South Wales government is likely to appeal against the ruling.

Greenpeace energy campaigner Ben Pearson interprets the decision as a blockade on the road to new mine development. "This is an historic ruling," he said. "If you factor in climate change impacts, new mines just cannot be allowed to go ahead."

Greenpeace has been campaigning against approval of the Anvil Hill Mine. On Friday, 10 Greenpeacers entered Centennial Coal’s annual general meeting in Sydney to hang a banner reading "Centennial Coal = Climate Change." Nine activists were dragged from the room by plain clothes police while the other activist was arrested but released without charges.

Australia is the world's biggest coal exporter, and black coal is Australia's largest export, worth around $A22.2 billion in calendar year 2005.

Pearson said, "The court has recognized the link between coal and climate change and it’s time for government to do the same." Greenpeace and other environment groups are calling for an immediate moratorium on all new coal projects in New South Wales, starting with the rejection of Anvil Hill, and more renewable energy development.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.