自家土地遭競標石油開採 秘魯原住民貿易展抗議 | 環境資訊中心

自家土地遭競標石油開採 秘魯原住民貿易展抗議


Washington Bolivar在位於休士頓的石油俱樂部外發表演說 照片來源:Bryan Parras亞馬遜河流域的秘魯原住民首領在秘魯與美國的環保團體以及人權團體的支持下,要求秘魯政府停止其開放新石油開採權的計畫。石油開發將可能摧毀秘魯的原生熱帶雨林以及原住民社群。

秘魯國營石油公司秘魯石化(Perupetro)配合NAPE Expo展覽會的活動,於2日在休士頓石油公會開始2007年的競標作業。NAPE Expo是石油探勘業每半年舉辦的貿易展,秘魯石化期望開採權能吸引美國能源公司加入。





在2日於利馬召開的記者會中,秘魯跨族群叢林發展協會(AIDESEP)主席皮桑戈(Alberto Pizango)對秘魯政府想釋出與外界分隔的族群的領域上7個石油開採權的企圖,公開譴責。「我們要求立即排除這7個區域,」皮桑戈說,「這是對於這些遺世獨立族群生命與健康的侵害」。

Indigenous Peruvians Oppose New Oil Concessions on Their Lands
HOUSTON, Texas, February 6, 2007 (ENS)

Indigenous leaders from the Peruvian Amazon, along with Peruvian and U.S. environmental and human rights groups, are calling on the Peruvian government to suspend its tendering of new oil concessions. The oil development threatens to devastate Peru's pristine tropical rainforest and native communities.
Perupetro, Peru's state owned oil company, launched its 2007 bidding round on Friday at Houston's Petroleum Club, timed to coincide with the NAPE Expo, the oil prospecting industry's semi-annual trade show. Perupetro is hoping to attract U.S. energy companies to the drilling concessions.

At the launch event, three indigenous leaders briefly took control of the stage to warn the potential investors who packed the room that indigenous communities will oppose and resist new explorations on their territory.

In total, Perupetro plans to tender 11 Amazonian blocks, covering approximately 22 million acres of highly biodiverse, intact primary tropical rainforest - an area larger than the state of Maine.

During the intervention by the indigenous leaders, maps were distributed to the investors showing that that 10 of the 11 blocks have significant conflict problems.

Nine of the blocks overlap titled indigenous lands and were the focus of the verbal warning the indigenous leaders delivered to the potential investors. Four of the blocks overlap official reserves set up to protect some of the world's last native peoples still living in voluntary isolation. Three more blocks overlap proposed reserves for isolated peoples.

At a press conference Friday in Lima, AIDESEP President Alberto Pizango denounced the Peruvian government's attempt to lease seven oil concessions on uncontacted peoples' territory. “We demand the immediate exclusion of those seven blocks,” said Pizango. “This is an attack on the life and health of these isolated peoples.”

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.