12年前發現的印尼龜 幾已瀕臨絕種 | 環境資訊中心

12年前發現的印尼龜 幾已瀕臨絕種


樣似蛇類有著長脖子的一種小型烏龜,因廣受收藏家的喜愛,致使非法貿易頻繁而使這種烏龜瀕臨絕種。這種烏龜名為羅地島蛇頸龜(snake-necked turtle,Chelodina mccordi),目前只發現於印尼羅地島濕地,於1994年首度列為新物種,然而因過度補捉,目前在野外已幾近絕跡。

Indonesian Turtles Found 12 Years Ago Already on the Brink
JAKARTA, Indonesia, February 6, 2006 (ENS)
A small turtle with a neck so long it resembles a snake is such a hit with collectors that illegal trade has driven the species to the brink of extinction. The Roti Island snake-necked turtle, Chelodina mccordi, found only in the wetlands of the Indonesian island of Roti, was first described as a new species in 1994, but is already considered all but extinct in the wild.