對抗氣候變遷 加拿大安大略立新制保護北方森林生態環境 | 環境資訊中心

對抗氣候變遷 加拿大安大略立新制保護北方森林生態環境


安大略省境內的北方森林。圖片來源:John Wartman加拿大安大略省省長麥堅迪(Dalton McGuinty)14日宣佈的新保育計劃,將安大略省境內半數的北方森林列入保護,免於無止盡的資源開發破壞,這些樹木也能繼續對抗全球暖化。






安大略省境內北方森林的北美馴鹿。圖片來源:Global Forest Watch Canada2007年一份針對安大略北方森林內伐木、築路工程和其他人為干擾活動所進行的調查,透過加拿大全球森林監測機制的衛星畫面,呈現了林地轉變為伐木及築路工地的快速變化。


Ontario Protects Vast Boreal Forest to Fight Climate Change
TORONTO, Ontario, Canada, July 14, 2008 (ENS)

Half of Ontario's northern boreal forests will be protected from unbridled resource development so these trees can continue to fight global warming, under a conservation plan announced today by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty.

The government of Ontario will extend permanent protection to at least 225,000 square kilometers (86,872 square miles) of the Far North Boreal region under its Far North Planning Initiative, the premier said - an area almost twice the size of England.

Mining and logging will be permitted in the protected area, but only under stricter regulations and providing that local Aboriginal communities approve.

New forestry and the opening of new mines in the Far North would require community land use plans supported by local Aboriginal communities.

Preserving these spaces will help ensure Ontario's biodiversity, said the premier's office in its statement. Still wild, Ontario's northern boreal region is inhabited by more than 200 species of animals such as polar bears, wolverines, and caribou - many of which are threatened or endangered.

Permanently protecting these lands will help a world wrestling with the effects of climate change, as they are a globally significant carbon sink.

The Ontario government says protecting this region is key to its plan to fight climate change. The forests and peat lands in the Far North store about 97 billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide and absorb around 12.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, the government said.

A 2007 survey of logging, road building and other human disturbances in Ontario's northern forests conducted by Global Forest Watch Canada using satellite imagery showed the rapid conversion of forestlands to logging and road building.

The intact forest habitat required by the threatened woodland caribou is being destroyed, the survey showed.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.