美市調:年長消費者是環保商品主力客層 | 環境資訊中心



您是綠色消費者嗎?(圖片來源:The Company Store)儘管印象中環境主義是個剛興起的運動,但根據多倫多ICOM行銷傳播公司9月6日公佈的調查結果,在美國最熱衷使用環保商品的族群,其實是年齡55歲以上的消費者。


調查顯示,55至59歲的女性是環保商品最主要支持者,使用情形是平均值的兩倍以上。其次則是65至69 歲的男性,使用情形是美國一般消費者的1.7倍。

ICOM行銷副總梅耶斯(Peter Meyers)表示,「這些資料為市場現況提供了重要資訊。消費者對於永續型產品的興趣正在發酵,其程度難以想像。」






Poll: Older U.S. Consumers Buy the Most Green Products
TORONTO, Ontario, Canada, September 8, 2008 (ENS) -

Contrary to the idea that environmentalism is a youth movement, consumers over 55 years old are the most prolific users of green products in the United States, according to survey results released Saturday by ICOM Information & Communications, a Toronto-based marketing communications company.

ICOM conducted the household products survey in March and April 2008 with 6,036 people responding from across the United States. The poll shows that despite higher costs, more than six in 10 U.S. homes now use environmentally friendly household products. Both male and female groups 55 years and older reported above average usage of environmentally-friendly home goods.

Leading the way are 55-59 year old females, who are more than twice as likely as the average consumer to use green products, the survey shows. Males 65-69 years old are second, more than 1.7 times as likely to use green products than the average American.

"The data is very telling for marketers," said Peter Meyers ICOM vice president of marketing. "There is incredible interest brewing for sustainable products."

"While the numbers show that significant inroads have been made with the older demographics, they also suggest untapped potential in prime younger consumer groups to engage them with eco-friendly products," said Meyers.

Showing the penetration of green products into American homes, 61.9 percent of survey respondents said that they do use some type of environmentally friendly product. When asked why they elect to purchase eco-friendly goods, a leading 33 percent of the group said it "makes me feel good about myself."

When asked why they elect not to purchase or use green products, 50 percent of non-adopters cited high prices as the main factor. The next most common reason selected for avoiding green goods was, "I do not believe that they are that much better for the environment," said 17 percent of respondents.

Of those that said they do not use environmentally friendly products, both male and female demographics aged 25-34 years old were among the "least likely to use" eco-friendly products when compared with the national average. "Younger demographics are still green, that is, inexperienced when it comes to engaging with environmentally friendly goods," said Meyers.

"The data suggests that targeting these groups with more calculated offers - such as at slightly more aggressive price points, appealing to their personal values or reinforcing the true benefits for the environment," he said, "could introduce green products to a new, promising consumer base."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.