美國7000億紓困方案 同步擴大再生能源租稅優惠 | 環境資訊中心

美國7000億紓困方案 同步擴大再生能源租稅優惠


紐約州Maple Ridge風力發電區國旗飄揚一景 (圖片來源:PPM Energy)再生能源業者如今可鬆一口氣了,因為生產與投資再生能源的賦稅抵減延長案獲表決通過,經美國國會認可的各產業皆可受益,這也是美國對金融產業所編列7000億美元紓困方案的一部分。

「2008經濟穩定緊急法案」(Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, EESA)繼上周三(1日)獲參議院認可後,上週五(3日)下午再獲眾議院以263對171票通過,布希總統隨即於2小時後簽署該法案。

眾議院議長加州民主黨員裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)表示,「她很高興這個法案包括了延長清淨再生能源的賦稅抵減,這將有助於美國立即創造並維持50萬個高收入的工作。」



美國風力發電協會政府與公共事務資深主任偉特史東(Greg Wetstone)在一份聲明中表示,「我們要向參中兩院中,曾在艱困的條件中努力爭取再生能源賦稅抵免延長的議員們,獻上最深的敬意。為了讓再生能源生產賦稅抵減以及小型渦輪投資賦稅抵減留在議程中,他們一直努力到最後,並終於推動法案的通過。」


Wind, Solar Tax Credits Extended in $700 Billion Bail-Out
WASHINGTON, DC, October 3, 2008 (ENS)

Renewable energy businesses are breathing a sigh of relief today as the extension of the production and investment tax credits that benefit their industries were approved by Congress as part of the $700 billion bail-out package for the financial industry.

The House of Representatives passed Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, this afternoon by a vote of 263 to 171, and less than two hours later, President George W. Bush signed it into law. The Senate passed it on Wednesday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said that she is "pleased that the bill includes an extension of tax cuts for clean renewable energy that will create and save half a million good-paying paying jobs in America immediately."

"This was a part of our energy bill last year; it did not survive the Senate. It now has become a part of this legislation. And it is paid for. We fought hard to include these critical tax cuts ... because they are central to job creation," Pelosi said.

The tax credit package will extend the renewable energy production tax credit for one year and the investment tax credit for eight years. The extensions will be partly paid for by a change in the tax code for the oil and gas industry.

Greg Wetstone, senior director of governmental and public affairs at the American Wind Energy Association, said in a statement, "We salute Members of Congress in both parties who fought under difficult conditions to keep the renewable energy production tax credit and small turbine investment tax credit on the agenda until the very end, and then pushed them across the finish line."

"These tax credits are essential to the continued growth of wind energy, to the economic and energy security of the United States, and to a successful beginning in the fight against global warming," said Wetstone.

"We look forward to working next year with a new Congress and administration to fashion a serious long-term clean energy policy that increases domestic energy, increases our reliance on clean renewable energy, and creates jobs for Americans," he said.
