市售臭氧空淨機 成為「廢氣製造機」! | 環境資訊中心

市售臭氧空淨機 成為「廢氣製造機」!


Air-Zone空淨機。圖片來源: Air-Zone美某些標榜臭氧殺菌、除臭的空氣清淨機機種,所刻意排放出的臭氧,正是一種主要的廢氣成分,對健康有所危害。美國加州空氣資源局(California Air Resources Board)日前對消費者發出上述警訊,提醒替聖誕假期採購禮品的頻眾,勿購買會排放出臭氧的空淨機。

加州空氣資源局警告:「此類臭氧製造機不僅在對淨化室內空氣無效,同時讓人們吸入臭氧也提高健康上的風險。建議大家別再使用臭氧製造機。」該局局長尼克斯(Mary Nichols)指出:「消費者在考慮購買空淨機時,應小心廣告的誤導,錯把廢氣生成機當成空淨機。」







Holiday Gift Warning: Avoid "Indoor Smog-making Machines"
SACRAMENTO, California, December 9, 2008 (ENS) -

The California Air Resources Board has issued a consumer alert, advising holiday shoppers not to purchase air purifiers or air cleaning devices that intentionally generate ozone.

Some devices that are advertised as "air purifiers," air cleaners, or ozone generators purposely emit large amounts of ozone, the main component of smog.

"Not only are such ozone generators ineffective at cleaning indoor air, but breathing ozone poses serious health risks," warns the Air Resources Board, recommending that these ozone generators not be used.

"Consumers should take care when considering purchase of an air cleaning device," said ARB Chairman Mary Nichols, "Beware of misleading advertisements offering air purifiers that are simply indoor smog-making machines."

The devices can produce levels of ozone that can worsen asthma, cause serious lung inflammation, decrease lung function, and lead to hospitalization for respiratory conditions, emergency room visits for asthma, and increased school absences.

Air-Zone, one of the companies selling devices on the board's long don't buy list has a prominent warning on its website, "IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS OZONE GENERATOR IS MEANT FOR UNOCCUPIED ROOM USE ONLY. THIS MACHINE CANNOT EVER BE USED IN OCCUPIED ROOMS. IT IS FAR TOO STRONG. It has a built in timer so you can run the unit and have it automatically shut itself off long before you return. One hour later all the ozone will be gone."

Air-Zone, one of the companies selling devices on the board's long don't buy list has a prominent warning on its website, "IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS OZONE GENERATOR IS MEANT FOR UNOCCUPIED ROOM USE ONLY. THIS MACHINE CANNOT EVER BE USED IN OCCUPIED ROOMS. IT IS FAR TOO STRONG. It has a built in timer so you can run the unit and have it automatically shut itself off long before you return. One hour later all the ozone will be gone."

Recently, California regulated the sale of these devices to protect public health. California Assembly Bill 2276 (2006, Pavley), signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in September 2006, directed the Air Resources Board to develop and adopt a regulation to limit the amount of ozone emitted from indoor air cleaning devices.

The regulation became final on October 18, 2008, and all air cleaning devices sold in California must meet the requirements by October 18, 2010, the full compliance date.

Currently, air cleaners are being tested by the state to assure they do not emit harmful levels of ozone; however, testing of air cleaners by certified laboratories is expected to take up to two years. During this interim time period high ozone-emitting devices can still be sold.

For that reason, the Air Resources Board recommends consumers avoid the purchase of any air cleaner for home or office that intentionally emits ozone.

The best and most effective way to avoid indoor air pollution problems is to remove the sources of the pollution or prevent emissions to begin with, the board advises. Improving fresh-air ventilation is also helpful.

Those still wishing to use an air cleaner should look for models that use high-efficiency pleated filters, known as HEPA filters, or electrostatic precipitators that do not emit high amounts of ozone.

For guidance in selecting air cleaners, including ratings in Consumer Reports articles and ARB's fact sheet entitled "Air Cleaning Devices for the Home: Frequently Asked Questions," click here.

Click here for a list of air cleaners to avoid. The list includes air cleaners sold primarily for residential use, plus some for commercial, in-vehicle, and personal use.