澳洲酷熱氣候助長森林大火 181人喪生 | 環境資訊中心

澳洲酷熱氣候助長森林大火 181人喪生


澳洲大火吞噬豐富山林及多元豐富之生物環境。圖片提供:Office of Premier Brumby。澳洲史上最嚴重的森林大火正持續延燒維多利亞州,澳洲總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd) 2月11日向聯邦議會說明,至今大火已造成至少181人死亡以及5000人受難。預期死亡人數還會因警方與救災人員發現更多遺體而增加。



而維多利亞州長布朗比(John Brumby)並不願全歸咎於氣候變遷問題,他將調查國家公園的管理及其針對嚴重火災的緊急系統。

澳洲環保署長Peter Garrett也許可維多利亞州政府在緊急情況中免除國家環境法條的環境評估下之限制,確保州政府能採取任何必要措施來應對目前肆虐維多利亞州的嚴重大火。祝融肆虐過的大地殘骸。圖片提供:Office of Senator Bob Brown。

州長布朗比與總理陸克文宣部成立維多利亞森林大火重建與修復機構,並由維多利亞州警察總長尼克森(Christine Nixon)領導運作。


國際人道協會(Humane Society International)則表示,此次大火也摧折許多野生生物,且據悉至少2個野生生物庇護中心遭焚毀。

Bushfires Blazing in Extreme Heat Kill 181 Australians
CANBERRA, Australia, February 11, 2009 (ENS)

The worst bushfires in Australian history now blazing across Victoria have claimed the lives of at least 181 people and left 5,000 people others, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told the federal Parliament today. The death toll is expected to rise as police and rescue workers continue to recover and identify bodies.

Police officials now say that most of the fires were not intentionally set, but the hunt continues for arsonists believed responsible for fatal fires in Gippsland, east of Melbourne.
"We are left speechless at the thought and the possibility that some of these fires may have been deliberately lit," Rudd told the parliament.

Since the fires broke out on Saturday - with temperatures soaring above 40 degrees Celsius for four days last week - some 450,000 hectares have burned and over 1,000 homes have been destroyed. More than a dozen fires are still burning uncontrolled.

The union representing Australia's 13,000 firefighters today warned both the federal and state governments to take global warming seriously to prevent a repeat of the deadly fires.
Reluctant to blame climate change alone, Premier Brumby has ordered an inquiry into the management of national parks and the warning system for impending fires.

Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett today granted the Victoria government its request for an emergency exemption from environmental assessment under national environment legislation, confirming that it can take any actions required in response to the current severe bushfires across Victoria.

Premier Brumby and Prime Minister Rudd announced the establishment of the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority to be headed by the outgoing Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon.

Premier Brumby has strengthened the arrangements for relief centres, appointing senior Department of Human Services officials to be captains for each centre, to ensure that people receive the assistance they require, regardless of which agency, department or level of government that relief is coming from.

The Humane Society International says the loss of wildlife also has been devastating and at least two wildlife shelters are known to have been destroyed by the fires.