1/4羚羊物種 瀕臨絕種危機 | 環境資訊中心

1/4羚羊物種 瀕臨絕種危機


碩果僅存的旋角羚;攝影:Philippe Chardonnet ;圖片提供:Fondation IGF。根據一份由世界自然保育聯盟(International Union for the Conservation of Nature,IUCN)的羚羊專家們新發行的報告,及其具權威性的瀕危物種紅皮書指出,有1/4的羚羊物種正面臨絕種的威脅。

依據世界自然保育聯盟物種存續委員會(Species Survival Commission,SSC)羚羊專家小組的研究報告結果顯示,在91個羚羊物種當中就有25個物種面臨絕種威脅;而且在1996年針對所有羚羊物種完成最後評估之後,其中有一些物種的情況反而變得更糟了。

世界自然保育聯盟羚羊專家小組的聯合主席菲利普卡當尼(Philippe Chardonnet)博士表示,「不論是為了食物還是傳統藥材,人類非永續性的的狩獵活動並且侵害羚羊的棲地是牠們所面臨最主要的威脅。」


野外只剩下約500隻的鹿瞪羚;攝影:Thomas Rabeil;圖片來源:SCF。目前尚有5種還繼續在野外生存的羚羊物種被列為極度瀕危的最高危險名單當中,包括鹿瞪羚(Dama gazelle)、鹿羚(Nanger dama)、霓羚(Aders' duiker)、桑島麂羚(Cephalophus adersi)、賽加羚羊(Saiga antelope)、大鼻賽加羚羊(Saiga tatarica)、亨氏狷羚(Hirola)、亨氏牛羚(Beatragus hunteri)、旋角羚羊(Addax)、弓角羚羊(Addax nasomaculatus)。

報告中更提出警告,鹿瞪羚和旋角羚羊這二種羚羊物種數量都已經減少到僅存一點點而已,而且非洲薩赫勒-撒哈拉(Sahelo-Saharan region)地區的野生物生存情況最為危急。

根據新報告指出,雖然保育區的規模很大,所涵蓋的範圍包括了如阿爾及利亞的Ahaggar和Tasilli、尼日的Tenere、查德的Ouadi Rime-Ouadi Achim、以及蘇丹新建的Wadi Howar國家公園等,在這些地區之前都可以發現旋角羚羊的蹤跡,但現在有些地區已經無法再找到旋角羚羊,而且羚羊也無法在這些地區生存下去了。


旋角羚羊已經在突尼西亞的保護區以設立柵欄的方式來保護羚羊幫助牠們重新恢復生機,而第一批可以重新放牧到野外並進入突尼西亞捷比爾國家公園(Jebil National Park)生活的旋角羚羊也在進行規劃中;另一個計畫則是在摩洛哥南部。

Extinction Looms Over One in Every Four Antelope Species
GLAND, Switzerland, March 6, 2009 (ENS)

A quarter of all antelope species are threatened with extinction, according to a newly published report by antelope experts who work with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and its authoritative IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

The results, compiled by the Antelope Specialist Group of IUCN's Species Survival Commission, show that out of 91 species of antelope, 25 are threatened with extinction. The status of several species has become worse since the last complete assessment of all antelopes in 1996.

"Unsustainable harvesting, whether for food or traditional medicine, and human encroachment on their habitat are the main threats facing antelopes," says Dr. Philippe Chardonnet, co-chair of the IUCN Antelope Specialist Group.

"Most antelopes are found in developing countries which is why it's critically important that we collaborate with local communities there since it is in their own interest to help preserve these animals."

Five species of antelope that still exist in the wild are listed as Critically Endangered, the highest category of threat. They are the Dama gazelle, Nanger dama, Aders' duiker, Cephalophus adersi, the Saiga antelope, Saiga tatarica, the Hirola, Beatragus hunteri, and the Addax, Addax nasomaculatus.

The Dama gazelle and Addax are both reduced to tiny remnant populations and highlight the dire situation for wildlife in the Sahelo-Saharan region, the report warns.

Although massive reserves, such as the Ahaggar and Tasilli in Algeria, the Aïr/Tenere in Niger, the Ouadi Rime-Ouadi Achim in Chad, and the newly established Wadi Howar National Park in Sudan cover areas where the Addax previously occurred, some are under-resourced and all no longer harbor Addax, according to the new report.

Continued support for gazetted reserves in Chad and Niger, together with the establishment of new protected areas, especially along the Mali/Mauritania frontier, in Niger, and in Chad, is essential, but must be supported and combined with programs to create incentives for the local people to protect the antelopes, advises the Antelope Specialist Group.

Addax have been reintroduced to fenced sectors of protected areas in Tunisia, and the first reintroduction of addax to the wild is underway in Jebil National Park, Tunisia, and another is planned in southern Morocco.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.