塔吉克泥流危險區 政府允民眾建屋 | 環境資訊中心

塔吉克泥流危險區 政府允民眾建屋


春雪蕭榮使得塔吉克河流流速快且引發災害(照片來源:Tajikistan Ministry of Energy)塔吉克常年遭受季節性天災帶來的人民傷亡和經濟損失,專家表示,倘若塔吉克政府當局能適時提供正確的氣候資訊和警告給當地人民,即可減少許多災害。4月初的豪雨造成塔吉克東部發生山崩泥流,重創1千多戶家庭和周圍學校,巴達赫尚省伊什喀辛區的高速公路和電纜線也嚴重受損。



氣象局長馬馬達里夫(Bekmurod Mahmadaliev)表示,儘管他們每年向政府示警,情況仍舊沒有改變。



Mudslide Warnings Reach Tajik Villages Too Late
DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, April 13, 2007 (ENS)

The human casualties and economic devastation that Tajikistan routinely suffers from seasonal natural disasters could be reduced if the authorities passed on meteorological warnings to local communities in good time, experts say. Last week's heavy rain in eastern Tajikistan caused mudslides which destroyed over 1,000 homes and schools and damaged highways and electricity power lines in the Ishkashim district of the Badakhshan region.

Tajikistan is especially prone to natural disasters in the spring, when mountain snows melt and cause mudslides and landslides. Seasonal natural disasters have killed 77 people and caused US$61 million worth of damage in the past two years.

But observers say that even with the limited resources available, local administrations could have worked more closely with local people to reduce the scale of the destruction caused by mudslides that occur on an annual basis and can be predicted.

Bekmurod Mahmadaliev, director of the government's Hydro and Meteorological Institute, says weather forecasters warn the authorities every year that natural disasters are likely.

Mahmadaliev believes the authorities are not making enough effort to work with locals, citing the example of people along the Vanch River in the central Pamir mountains who are still building new houses in a high-risk mudslide zone. "When the Medvezhiy glacier melts, it always causes mudslides," he said. "And although we are aware of the risk of mudslides in the area, we're still building an airport there. That's not to mention the people who rebuild their houses there every time they are destroyed by mudslides. No one wll listen."

Observers say local people are often responsible for their own misfortune by building houses in prohibited zones that lie in the path of mudslides and landslides. Local officials often give people pemission to return to the danger zone after they have been relocated to safer areas.

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