[環境關懷事件] 亞洲人向輸出骯髒的焚化科技的日本人大聲說不 (連署) CLICK AND SHOUT: Konnichi wa,大家好! 為慶祝反廢棄物焚化國際行動日,日本綠色和平在與全球焚化爐替代方案聯盟(GAIA)協調後,正在推動一個寫信給日本最大的12家焚化爐製造商的運動。我們,亞洲的公民與公民團體,受邀來表達我們對骯髒的日本焚化爐輸出到我們國家的反對立場。經由我們的信,我們也可要求日本政府不要再以偏頗的垃圾管理方式來向我們的政府建言,並且停止提供資金給此區域的焚化爐專案計劃。 背 景 儘管焚化在健康、環境與財政等方面都證明是不良的垃圾處理系統,日本公司仍繼續拓展他們的海外市場,尤其是在東亞、東南亞與南亞。由於日本反對戴奧辛污染的草根運動高漲,這些產業轉向亞洲國家並不足為奇。日本綠色和平的反毒性物質運動者Junichi Sato提出警告說;「日本焚化爐製造商已出口這些骯髒科技到亞洲,而且他們正計劃輸出更多的焚化爐。因為在日本已經沒有焚化爐的市場。我們不希望其他的亞洲國家與我們一樣再誤入歧途。」 發 信 如果您想發信給日本政府與焚化爐製造商,請到下列網址,打入您的英文姓名與英文聯絡方式。你可以在空白的方格發表您自己額外的看法。截止日期是2002年6月14日。 日本綠色和平將把您的訊息於6月17日傳送到以下的公司:1) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 2) NKK, 3) Nippon Steel Corp., 4) Takuma Co., Ltd., 5) Hitachi Zosen Corp., 6) Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., 7) Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., 8) Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 9) Kubota Corp., 10) Ebara Corp., 11) Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd., and 12) Kobe Steel, Ltd. 非常重要!亞洲的相關團體請為我們草擬的共同信件背書。請寫信到GAIA的 manny.gaia@no-burn.org,確認您的支持,並留下您的姓名,職稱與團體名稱。 請現在就發信吧! Manny C. Calonzo 我們與日本綠色和平組織共同草擬的連署信件如下(中英對照),進行連署請至:http://www.greenpeace.or.jp/campaign/toxics/incineration/action/index_en_html Asians Say No to Japanese Export of Dirty Incineration Technology We, citizens of Asia, condemn the dumping of polluting waste disposal technology by Japanese incinerator companies, which only exacerbates the health, environmental and economic problems facing our nations. We disapprove moves by Japanese companies to expand their incineration market abroad, particularly in Asia, in the midst of growing opposition against dioxin pollution in Japan. We find it totally unacceptable that Japan is exporting a technology that is unpopular and unwanted by local communities because of its negative impacts to public health and the environmental. We oppose waste incineration because it releases into the environment persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as cancer-causing dioxins. The Stockholm Convention on POPs, of which the Government of Japan is among the 133 signatories, has pinpointed municipal, hazardous and medical waste incinerators as primary sources of by-product POPs and calls for the substitution of alternatives for any processes, which produce dioxins and other toxic pollutants. Moreover, we reject incineration because it destroys materials and deprives future generations of resources, saddles our countries with unbearable debts and undercuts programs and services for the poor, undermines recycling and other sensible solutions to waste problems, and concentrates economic gains in the hands of big businesses. To the Government of Japan: We ask you to discontinue prescribing biased waste management solutions to our governments and stop funding incineration projects in the region. To the People of Japan: We affirm our unity with you in your inspiring actions to reclaim your health and rescue the environment by closing down sources of dioxin. We sign this petition on the occasion of the first ever Global Day of Action against Waste Incineration on 17 June 2002. Signed by: |