世界資源學會主席列許(Jonathan Lash)表示︰「改善環境政策最直接的途徑之一,就是環境決策過程的民主化。」
聯合國環境規劃署署長多佛(Klaus Toepfer)說︰「如今政府、企業、民間團體和公民都逐漸瞭解該做什麼做並採取行動,但地球上許多維生系統持續遭受破壞足以證明,我們所做的遠遠不足,迫切需要更一致、更集中的行動。」
報告指出,全球貧窮問題似乎正在上升─—全球近一半人口每天依靠少於兩美元維生。世界銀行環境部主任喬治艾娃博士(Dr. Kristalina
由世界資源學會與其他24個民間社團共同合作的「行動倡議(The Access
4個參與報告的組織已承諾透過「里約宣言第十條夥伴關係」(The Partnership for Principle
聯合國發展計畫署執行長布朗(Mark Malloch
版權歸屬Environment News Service(ENS),環境資訊協會(吳家翔 譯,李秉璋
WASHINGTON, DC, July 10, 2003 (ENS)–Increased public participation is
needed to stem the deterioration of the world's environment and to slow
the growth of global poverty, according to a new report released today.
Greater transparency and accountability can lead to fairer and more
effective management of natural resources, finds the report, which calls
on governments to reach out for local community input in decisions that
affect ecosystems and to integrate environmental impacts into economic
decision making."Democratization of environmental decision making is
one of the most direct routes to better environmental decisions," said
Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute.
The report, "World Resources 2002-2004: Decisions for the Earth -
Balance, Voice and Power," was published jointly by the World Resources
Institute, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),
and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
It notes that great strides have been made and successes achieved in
convincing different stakeholders that protection of the environment is
critical, but warns that these efforts must be sustained and built upon if
global poverty and environmental degradation are to be tackled.
"Governments, businesses, civil society and the individual citizen are
more aware of what needs to be done and are certainly taking action," said
UNEP Executive Director Klaus Toepfer. "But, as evidenced by the continued
erosion and collapse of so many of the planet's life support systems, it
is not nearly enough and more concerted, focused, action is urgently
Statistics from report indicate an overwhelming human dependence on
rapidly deteriorating ecosystems that support all life.
For example, one out of every six humans depends on fish for protein
needs, yet 75 percent of the world's fisheries are over-fished or fished
at their biological limit.
Some 350 million people are directly dependent on forests for their
survival, with global forest cover declining by 46 percent since
pre-agricultural times.
The report notes that global poverty appears to be on the rise - nearly
half of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day.
"Poor communities are particularly vulnerable to failed environmental
governance, since they rely more heavily on natural resources for
subsistence and income," said Dr. Kristalina Georgieva, director of the
Environment Department of The World Bank. "They are less likely to share
in property rights that give them legal control over these resources."
Poverty can not be overcome without sustainable management of
ecosystems, the report says, and ecosystems can not be protected from
abuse without holding those with wealth and power accountable for their
The report identifies public access to information from governments,
business, and non-governmental organizations as a necessary precursor to
improved environmental performance. Its authors contend that greater
transparency and accountability can lead to fairer and more effective
management of natural resources - and to fairer governance in general.
"People are willing to engage their governments on decisions that bear
so directly on their health and well-being," Lash said.
A nine country study compiled by The Access Initiative - a
collaboration of the World Resources Institute and 24 civil society
groups, indicates that while some progress has been made in promoting
transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability in environmental
decision-making, much remains to be done to improve both law and practice.
The four organizations that joined forces to produce the report have
committed to improve environmental governance through the Partnership for
Principle 10, in collaboration with the European Union, the World
Conservation Union, the governments of the United Kingdom, Chile, Hungary,
Italy, Mexico, Sweden, and Uganda, and non-governmental organizations from
around the world.
"It is a central tenet of UNDP's work to strengthen the voices of civil
society, in particularly the poor and the marginalized in shaping the
policies that impact their livelihoods and the environment," UNDP
Executive Administrator Mark Malloch Brown said.
The coalition is named after the section of the 1992 Rio Declaration
that called for increased public participation in decision making that
affects the environment.
http://ens-news.com/ens/jul2003/2003-07-10-10.asp |