瑞士,日內瓦,2001-12-11 (UNEP)-聯合國環境規劃署新設立的工作小組將取代先前設立的巴爾幹半島小組,並就其原本的功能加以擴充,對世界各處的衝突後地區進行環境評估作業。這個小組包含11名成員,辦公室設置於夏特蘭(位於日內瓦)的國際環境評議院。
全文與圖片詳見: http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=227&ArticleID=2985
版權歸屬United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,朱敬平 審校)
中英對照譯稿請見:http://e-info.org.tw/2001/12/1231/unep01121101.htm |
Geneva, 11 December 2001 - The new Unit will have a similar but broader mandate than that of the UNEP Balkans Unit, which it replaces, and will be available to conduct assessments in any of the world's many post-conflict zones. Its 11-member team will be based with other UNEP offices at the International Environment House in Chatelaine (Geneva).
http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=227&ArticleID=2985 |