綠色和平總部,2001-12-17 (Greenpeace)-近10年來,基因改造工業使北美農民誤以為能以較少的代價獲得更多、更好的收成;加上孟山都、杜邦、安萬特等公司以美好的遠景引誘,數千名農民紛紛簽訂契約投入生產基因改造作物的行列,如玉蜀黍、大豆、棉花及油菜籽等。然而,當350多位農民捲入基因改造公司提起的法律訴訟案件之時,許多農民隨即從美夢中清醒過來。許多人不敢吭聲,而那些勇於發言的人,則冒著失去家園與耕地的風險。
全文與圖片詳見: http://www.greenpeace.org/%7Egeneng/highlights/gmo/
版權歸屬Greanpeace,環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,李欣哲 審校)
gp01121701.htm |
The genetic engineering industry has been seducing American and Canadian farmers for nearly 10 years with its false promises of bigger and better crops at reduced costs.Lured by pictures of a bright new future painted by companies like Monsanto, DuPont and
Aventis, farmers signed up by the thousands to grow genetically engineered (GE) crops such as corn,
soya, cotton and canola (rapeseed). For many farmers, the dream ended as quickly as it begun with over 350 US farmers being involved in legal battles with GE companies. Many are afraid to speak out and those who do, risk losing their homes and land.
grainsoftruth.htm |