




ENS每週評論:救治我們的世界 Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

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The Death Penalty - For Pooping?

作者:傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士






















Honorable Paul Schell, Office of the Mayor, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle WA 98104. Phone: 206-684-4000; Fax: 206-684-5360; Email: Mayors.Office@ci.seattle.wa.us

The Seattle City Council, 1100 Municipal Building, 600 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, Council Message Center, council@ci.seattle.wa.us, Phone: 206-684-8888

Ken Bounds, Superintendent, Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109. Phone: 206-684-8022, Fax: 206-233-7023

King County Executive Ron Sims, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Room 400, Seattle, WA 98104, Phone: 206-296-4040; Fax: 206- 296-0194

King County Council, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-3272, Phone: 206-296-1000 or 1-800-325-6165; Fax: 206-296-0198; Website: http://www.metrokc.gov/go/comment.

3. 從馬里蘭公園處關於「如何與雁鴨共處」的網站上,獲得一系列相關建議:http://www.mc-mncppc.org/environ/


5. 西北動物權網絡:http://www.narn.org/

6. 參觀美國人權協會的「停止殺害加拿大雁」運動:http://www.hsus.org/whatnew/geese_

7. 找出你的國會代表,寄電子郵件給他們。如果你知道郵遞區號,也你可以在下列網站中找到他們的聯絡方式:http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/zip

傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士是西雅圖的一位作家與教師。他帶著他六週大的兒子 - 傑斯汀,到抗議屠殺雁鴨的會場中。傑斯汀驕傲地貼著一張「HONK (喇叭聲)」的貼紙,但在抗議中全程睡著。請將您的想法、批評指教,以及觀點寄給他:jackie@healingourworld.com並參觀他的網站:http://www.healingourworld.com

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By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

The Humane Society of the United States branch in Seattle has been monitoring parks around the city. HSUS members and activists from the Northwest Animal Rights Network witnessed a brutal roundup of the geese in the popular Gas Works Park in Seattle on June 19.

At 5:30 that morning, a convoy of seven USDA trucks arrived at the park. At least 14 USDA agents worked quickly to round up and kill more than 100 Canada geese that were quietly grazing at the park.

Gas Works park in Seattle, every square inch covered with families during last year's 4th of July celebrations. The Parks Department later revealed that the park was contaminated with benzene and other cancer causing contaminants and would have to be closed for cleanup for seven months.

The agents picked a time when the public was denied access to the park, which is fenced and gated shut due to environmental cleanup work that has been taking place on this polluted site. A few activists did manage to get inside. Before police escorted them out, they succeeded in scaring the geese into the water.

The USDA personnel then used boats to herd the birds back onto land and then used bread to lure them into a fenced area. From there, the officials herded the geese down a narrow fenced chute into a larger pen where, as one activist described it, they were "roughly chased, grabbed, and stuffed into gas chambers." Carbon dioxide was pumped into the chambers to kill the birds.

The gas chambers are metal boxes constructed to fit in the bed of a pickup truck. They were not built to adequately accommodate large birds like Canada geese. The boxes are dark and do not allow the geese to stand upright. One can only imagine the panic and terror the birds experienced crowded into these death chambers.

Video footage of the kill, which was aired on local news broadcasts, showed the absolute callousness displayed by the USDA workers and the confusion and stress that the geese endured.

Dr. Patrice Klein, a wildlife veterinarian with The Humane Society of the United States issued a statement regarding the Seattle goose kill. She said, "Based on the evidence seen concerning the euthanasia procedures being used in Seattle, there is serious concern that these methods are inappropriate and inhumane."

She said the gas chambers were inadequate and the birds would "quickly overheat, and begin to suffocate because of inadequate ventilation, even before the euthanasia procedure begins. Overcrowding of chambers is inhumane and does not allow for individual observation to ascertain if the animal is dead before removal. An unconscious animal may revive if removed from the chamber prematurely, and the process would have to be repeated."

The USDA will continue to kill geese for at least the next couple of weeks. The timing is intentionally chosen since this is the time of the birds' annual molting period. They have lost all their flight feathers and cannot fly.

Canada geese in a Seattle park

All parks in Seattle and King County may be targeted for kills. The Humane Society maintains that conflicts with wildlife should be handled in a professional, humane manner, and considers the USDA goose kills unacceptable. Next year, the geese will be back, and the killing will start again.

This practice has been going on for years in many states.

I have walked through plenty of goose droppings in the last few months. I walk through it and wipe my shoes off. Big deal. No need to kill the bird over it.

The problem was created by city planners who, in the 1940s, introduced geese into rural areas to bring them back from the brink of extinction and to provide opportunities for hunters. Around the same time, biologists placed many birds in cities and urban parks to beautify them. No one expected the geese to thrive. Well, thrive they did, and now some vocal people have tired of them, they mess up our lawns and parks - and they must die.

The city government tried to donate goose meat from last year's killing to charities, but most organizations turned it down. Only 154 carcasses were delivered out of the 3,500 geese killed, according to records released to the "Seattle Times" newspaper under the Freedom of Information Act.

Officials blamed higher processing costs than expected, but it is also the case that people know that the birds eat pesticide laden grasses at city parks and golf courses and are not fit for human consumption.

We like animals when it is convenient, when they don't get our shoes dirty. Shame on the City of Seattle and its Parks Department for killing these beautiful creatures because they do not have the will or the heart to seek non-lethal solutions. Shame on us as a society if we dare to put animals to death because they mess up our lawns.


1. See extensive information on the Canada geese issue at the website of the Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese at: http://www.icu.com/geese/coalition.

2. Email, call, and write the politicians below and express your outrage at these kills. If you live out of the state, tell them that the city will not have any of your tourist dollars until they stop the killing. Check around in your state, they are probably killing geese there too. 

Honorable Paul Schell, Office of the Mayor, 600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle WA 98104. Phone: 206-684-4000; Fax: 206-684-5360; Email: Mayors.Office@ci.seattle.wa.us

The Seattle City Council, 1100 Municipal Building, 600 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, Council Message Center, council@ci.seattle.wa.us, Phone: 206-684-8888

Ken Bounds, Superintendent, Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109. Phone: 206-684-8022, Fax: 206-233-7023

King County Executive Ron Sims, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Room 400, Seattle, WA 98104, Phone: 206-296-4040; Fax: 206- 296-0194

King County Council, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-3272, Phone: 206-296-1000 or 1-800-325-6165; Fax: 206-296-0198; Website: http://www.metrokc.gov/go/comment.cfm

3. See a set of recommendations from the Maryland Parks Department about how to live with the geese at: http://www.mc-mncppc.org/environ/goose/

4. See a list of non-lethal goose control measures at: http://www.icu.com/geese/

5. Visit the Northwest Animal Rights Network at: http://www.narn.org/

6. See the Humane Society of the United States' campaign to stop the killing of Canada geese at: http://www.hsus.org/whatnew/geese_

7. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and email them. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at: http://www.visi.com/juan/
. Tell them to stop killing geese just because they defecate.

{Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He took his six week old son, Justin, to the geese protest. Justin proudly wore a "HONK" sticker, but slept through the event. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his web site at http://www.healingourworld.com}








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