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──中國大陸沙塵暴惡化警訊 (下)

Another One Bites the Dust
-- China's dust bowl is growing at an alarming rate














原文標題"Another One Bites the Dust",為搖滾樂團"Queen"著名歌曲,原意指「又倒下一人」、「兵敗如山倒」之意,此處作者取其雙關之意。

2.關於"dust bowl"的小故事「躲不過去的沙塵暴」 

by Lester R. Brown

In addition to the direct damage from overplowing and overgrazing, the northern half of China is literally drying out as rainfall declines and aquifers are depleted by overpumping. Water tables are falling almost everywhere, gradually altering the region's hydrology. As water tables fall, springs dry up, streams no longer flow, lakes disappear, and rivers run dry. U.S. satellites, which have been monitoring land use in China for some 30 years, show that literally thousands of lakes in the North have disappeared.

Deforestation in southern and eastern China is reducing the moisture transported inland from the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea, writes Wang Hongchang, a fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Where land is forested, the water is held and evaporates to be carried further inland. When tree cover is removed, the initial rainfall from the inland-moving, moisture-laden air simply runs off and returns to the sea. As this recycling of rainfall inland is weakened by deforestation, rainfall in the interior is declining.

The Winds of Change

Reversing this degradation means stabilizing population and planting trees everywhere possible to help recycle rainfall inland. It means converting highly erodible cropland back to grassland or woodland, reducing the livestock population, and planting tree shelter belts across the windswept areas of cropland, as U.S. farmers did to end dust storms in the 1930s.

A wind turbine in Mongolia. Photo: NREL/PIX.

A wind turbine in Mongolia. Photo: NREL/PIX.

Another interesting option now presents itself -- the use of wind turbines as windbreaks to reduce wind speed and soil erosion. With the cost of wind-generated electricity now competitive with that generated from fossil fuels, constructing rows of wind turbines in strategic areas to slow the wind could greatly reduce the erosion of soil. This also affords an opportunity to phase out the use of wood for fuel, thus lightening the pressure on forests.

The economics are extraordinarily attractive. In the U.S. Great Plains, under conditions similar to China's northwest, a large, advanced-design wind turbine occupying one-fifth of an acre of land can produce $100,000 of electricity per year. This source of rural economic regeneration fits in nicely with China's plan to develop the impoverished northwest.

Reversing desertification will require a huge effort, but if the dust bowl continues to spread, it will not only undermine the economy, but also trigger a massive migration eastward. The options are clear: Reduce livestock populations to a sustainable level or face heavy livestock losses as grassland turns to desert. Return highly erodible cropland to grassland or lose all of the land's productive capacity as it turns to desert. Construct windbreaks with a combination of trees and, where feasible, wind turbines, to slow the wind or face even more soil losses and dust storms.

If China cannot quickly arrest the trends of deterioration, the growth of the dust bowl could acquire an irreversible momentum. What is at stake is not just China's soil, but its future.

Lester R. Brown is founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, and founder and chair of the board of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C.

Lester R. Brown is founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, and founder and chair of the board of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C.








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