



每週評論:拯救我們的世界  Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

這不是選擇魚或農場的問題 (下)

It's Not About Choosing Fish or

作者:傑奇‧艾倫‧朱利安諾 博士





  噴灑式灌溉法會因為水分蒸散而浪費掉。(照片提供 俄勒岡州立大學,營養與食品管理系)

  美國的農業主要是由美國農場事務聯合會(American Farm Bureau Federation,AFBF)主管,有許多農民、環保團體和社會變遷組織認為,該聯盟本身就是一個龐大的農產品企業和保險集團。而「野生物保衛者」組織(Defenders of Wildlife)於1998年提出的白皮書,則認為「該聯合會的非營利身分,使它得以利用美國稅法集結龐大的財務經費,遂其進行純然的政治議題,這對於美國的家庭式農場不但貢獻很少,有時候甚至是持對立的態度。」

  「野生物保衛者」的報告說,美國農場事務聯合會花了相當多的金錢和時間在違反殺蟲劑規則以及環保法律上,例如瀕臨絕種動物法案(Endangered Species Act)、空氣清淨法(Clean Air Act)以及安全飲用水法案(Safe Drinking Water Act)。該聯盟並且在汽車、石油和殺蟲劑工業上大量投資,支持工廠式農場而非家庭式農場。他們習慣性地違反關於降低空氣、水污染和殺蟲劑使用,以及保護野生物、棲地、農村環境和食物品質的政府法規。

  農場事務聯合會不願支持減緩全球暖化現象的行動、反對槍械登記與許可制度,並支持廢除1965年投票權法案(1965 Voting Rights Act),這可是美國重要的民權法案之一。

  數十億美元的政府補助金可能是現代化農產品企業中最麻煩的問題。因為贊助生產過剩,及依賴殺蟲劑、需水甚多的作物,這些補助金因而變相促進環境損害。雖然1996年聯邦農業革新法案(1996 Farm Bill,The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act)已著手進行淘汰生產過剩補助金的方案,但還有多種補助金目前仍被認定是適當的。





1.閱讀家庭式農場對美國農場事務聯合會的看法: http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/


3.閱讀野生物保衛者對美國農場事務聯合會的報告: http://www.familyfarmer.org/


5.其實我們有能力餵飽全世界,只是貪婪橫阻其中。參考改變現狀的一些點子: http://www.applesforhealth.com/

6.請參考一份食物中殘留殺蟲劑的討論:Pesticides in your food.

7.「地球之友」認為應該停止發放農場補助金,請參考他們的論點: http://www.foe.org/eco/scissors2000/

8.拜訪國際食物與農業政策中心: http://www.cagw.org/policy/foodag/pf.

9.請參閱有機農場的優點: http://www.organicadvocates.org/

10.發電子郵件給你的國會議員,告訴他們,該停止贊助大型企業化農場,並回歸生態永續性的農場經營。如果你知道你的郵遞區號,即可在此找出你的議員是誰: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/

傑奇‧艾倫‧朱利安諾博士,是西雅圖的教師兼作家。他正在考慮加入一家有機食品合作商店。請將你的想法、評論與觀察寄到以下的信箱給他:jackie@healingourworld.com,或是造訪他的網頁: http://www.healingourworld.com

By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

Millions of pounds of pesticides are used each year, primarily to produce perfect looking fruits and vegetables, not to prevent crop losses. Most of the pesticides applied end up in the air, groundwater, ocean, lakes, and streams. These pesticides have been found in cities hundreds of miles away from the farms that use them.

Huge amounts of water are wasted on farms, since infertile or marginal soils must be watered heavily. Also, many huge corporate farms are located in dry regions of the nation that should never have been used to grow crops. Over 134 billion gallons of water is used every day to irrigate crops.

Sale points out the grave consequences to society of large corporate farms in the form of the "destruction or diminution of many thousands of rural communities, an exodus of millions of rural poor into cities that proved unstable to absorb the burden, and greater control over rural life by a smaller number of larger institutions."

Author and farmer Wendell Berry said that modern agribusiness "forces a profound revolution in the farmer's mind: once his investment in land and machines is large enough, he must forsake the values of husbandry and assume those of finance and technology. Thenceforth his thinking is not determined by agricultural responsibility, but by financial accountability and the capacities of his machines."

Irrigation of crops by spraying leads to waste from evaporation. (Photo courtesy Oregon State University Nutrition and Food Management Department)

Farming practices in the U.S. are largely governed by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF - or the Farm Bureau). Many farmers, environmental groups, and social change organizations consider the AFBF to be a gigantic agribusiness and insurance conglomerate. And, claims Defenders of Wildlife in a 1998 white paper on the AFBF, "The organization's nonprofit status allows it to use the U.S. tax code to help build a financial war chest with which it pursues an extreme political agenda, while doing little for - and sometimes working against - America's family farmers."

The Defenders report says that the AFBF spends a great deal of time and money opposing pesticide regulations and environmental laws such as the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. It has large investments in the automobile, oil and pesticide industries, and often supports factory farming rather than family farming. They regularly oppose government regulation to reduce air and water pollution and pesticide use and to protect wildlife, habitat, rural amenities and food quality.

It is critical of efforts to counter global warming. It has opposed the registration and licensing of firearms, and has advocated repeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, one of the nation's key civil rights laws.

Billions of dollars of government subsidies may be the most troubling aspect of modern agribusiness. These subsidies also promote environmental harm by encouraging overproduction and dependence upon pesticide and water intensive crops.

While the 1996 Farm Bill (The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act) began a program to eliminate overproduction subsidies, many forms of subsidies are still in place.

Studies have consistently shown that a one family farming operation is much more efficient than giant agribusinesses. Sadly, even many family farms have adopted the pesticide and chemical dependent, water wasting practices of the bigger corporate operations.

Organic farmers have shown that you can be successful by returning to farming systems that rely on ecologically based practices. Organic farms use environmental and biological pest management and virtually exclude the use of pesticides and synthetic chemicals in crop production. They also prohibit the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock production.

Farmers everywhere must return to sustainable practices that are more in harmony with the Earth around them. They must put sustainable husbandry first, end their dependence on government subsidies, and stop fighting environmental protections. If the fish die, then eventually, so do we.


1. Read what family farmers have to say about the Farm Bureau at http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/

2. Check out family farming issues at http://www.familyfarmer.org/

3. Read the Defenders of Wildlife report on the Farm Bureau at http://www.familyfarmer.org/awg.html.

4. See a discussion of the top players in corporate agribusiness at http://www.purefood.org/corp/greed.cfm.

5. We should be able to feed the world, but greed interferes. See some ideas about how to change this at http://www.applesforhealth.com/

6. See a discussion about pesticide residues in your food.

7. The Friends of the Earth thinks subsidies should end. See their argument at http://www.foe.org/eco/scissors2000/

8. Visit the The Center for International Food and Agriculture Policy at http://www.cagw.org/policy/foodag/

9. See the benefits of organic agriculture at http://www.organicadvocates.org/

10. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them. Tell them it is time to stop encouraging big corporate farms and to return to ecologically sustainable family operations. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/

Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He can be found considering joining an organic food co-op. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his website at http://www.healingourworld.com








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