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Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

Let Solar Power See the Light of Day


作者 傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士



  這間在紐澤西、候普威爾的房子,並沒有與商用電力系統連接,他們使用被動式太陽能發電與太陽能熱水器的設計。(照片提供 萊爾洛林斯公司)









  哈伯太空望遠鏡上的太陽能面板在日出中閃閃發光。(照片提供 美國太空總署)











6. 找出你的國會代表,並且email給他們。根據你的郵遞區號,可在這網站找到他們:http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/



By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D

The energy ethic that exists today had taken hold. The goal had become to sell the cheapest forms of energy possible to make the most profit for utility owners. Alternative forms of energy that use free sources such as sunlight, wind, and the heat of the Earth do not fit into this model of production.

Even though crude oil shortages were beginning to appear in the mid-1960s, the U.S. government never embraced the new technology for solar cells. Authors Ken Butti and John Perlin in their book "Golden Thread, 25,000 years of Solar Architecture and Technology," said that "Washington's attitude mirrored that of a nation hypnotized by seemingly limitless supplies of cheap fossil fuel, and by the almost magic aura surrounding nuclear energy."

This home in Hopewell, New Jersey is not connected to the utility grid. It utilizes passive solar design, solar photovoltaic power, and solar heated water. (Photo courtesy Lyle Rawlings, First, Inc.)

Butti and Perlin remind us that there was no powerful solar lobby like the ones for the huge business interests behind coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power.

Recently, some cities have offered subsidies for property owners who choose to install solar cells to generate power. But nearly all those programs demand that the homes continue to be hooked up to the energy grid, selling back their surplus power to the electric utility. This has severely limited the ability of people to be able to afford to leave the power grid completely to supply their own energy needs.

The utility companies, of course, do not want you to leave the grid, since such an approach would infringe on profits. So anti-solar propaganda is spread liberally around the world. In an article in the "Washington Post" on June 8 that was carried as a full page special feature in the "Seattle Times," readers were told that even with batteries attached to solar systems, "homeowners probably could not run washers and air conditioners at the same time."

But do we really need to run them at the same time? The same postwar energy consumption mindset is still firmly in place.

That same article quotes a solar expert from the Electric Power Research Institute who continues to dampen our enthusiasm for solar power today by predicting that in "100 years from now, solar energy will provide a substantial percentage of the world's energy needs." He tells us that solar power is still a "luxury item, like buying a swimming pool." Sadly, it is true.

But while the U.S. government has been uninterested in developing solar power commercially, many inventors around the world have continued solar development and many other nations are aggressively pursuing solar power. The Sanyo Company plans to build the world's largest solar power generation system, with a 3.4 megawatt output, in Toyko by 2004. One megawatt is enough electricity to light 1,000 typical American homes.

Sim Van der Ryn, an architect who directed California's now defunct Office of Appropriate Technology under Governor Jerry Brown, told the "Benicia News," a California newspaper, "If the government had been a major purchaser of [solar] photovoltaics, it would have stimulated that industry."

Van der Ryn asserts, "You could supply the entire electricity demand of the U.S. with one giant solar farm in Nevada."
The gold of the solar arrays on the Hubble Space Telescope, illuminated from behind by the sunrise (Photo courtesy NASA )

As a 20 year veteran of our nation's space exploration program, I have seen the advances made in creating solar power systems for spacecraft. The capability of creating super efficient machines exists as well.

While working on the Voyager, Galileo, and Space Station missions for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Jet Laboratory, I worked designing missions for instruments that were the most advanced, yet most energy efficient, on Earth. A high resolution TV camera used five to 10 watts of power. Its counterpart in a TV station on Earth uses tens of thousands of watts.

When fully deployed in space at the International Space Station, the eight solar panel wings, each 107 by 38 feet, will encompass an area of 32,528 square feet, and will provide power to the station for 15 years. Those panels provide enough energy to power about 10 average American homes.

The solar technology is there, but the heart and motivation are not. It is time to throw open the doors to solar power technology and release the stranglehold that fossil fuel energy companies have on our lives.


1. Visit Real Goods for a primer on solar power at: http://www.solareco.com/articles/articles.
. While you are there, you can outfit your home with the necessary equipment to get off the grid.

2. Visit the Institute for Solar Living at: http://www.solarliving.org/
for info about a sustainable future

3. Get into solar cooking at: http://solarcooking.org/

4. Learn about the human impact on our world from the Worldwatch Institute at: http://www.worldwatch.org/

5. See a Greenpeace report about why we don't have more solar power by clicking here.

6. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at: http://www.visi.com/

7. Contact President Bush at president@whitehouse.gov. Tell him it is time to let the Sun shine in and to stop resisting solar power.

{Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He can be found marveling at all the energy from the Sun that bathes our Earth every day. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his web site at: http://www.healingourworld.com}









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