




每週評論:救治我們的世界 Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

生化武器就在你身邊 (上)

Biological and Chemical 
Warfare Are Here Now

作者:傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士

我的朋友啊 答案就在空氣中
-- 鮑伯•迪倫



  住在伊利諾州雪頓附近的農夫喬伊•日華特申請了低濃度的除蟲劑,要噴灑黃豆上,以防止西部玉米蟲啃食並在上面產卵。(照片提供 肯•漢蒙德,美國農業部)

  在美國,每年有超過60億磅的有毒農藥釋出到生活環境中。根據世界衛生組織 (WHO)的統計,全球每年有超過20萬人死於殺蟲除草劑,這表示每天有547位男女和小孩死於農藥的毒害。此外,每年還有4百萬名的兒童死於受污染的水和其他化學毒物,平均每天有將近1萬1名千個兒童死亡。










  數百萬噸的有害物質就這樣被任意丟棄,並對人類、動物和整個生態系產生持續性的威脅。(照片提供 美國環境保護署)






By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

How many deaths will it take 'till we know
that too many people have died.
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
-- Bob Dylan

There has been much written in the press the last couple of weeks about the threat from terrorists if they commandeered a crop duster to spread biological warfare agents. Yet few writers have mentioned that these planes are used for this purpose every day, but not by terrorists. Instead, they are used by licensed operators who are spraying deadly chemicals on our lands and on our children.

We don't have to wait for chemical warfare to be waged on U.S. soil by terrorists. Such warfare has been underway for over a century. Every day, billions of pounds of deadly chemicals, many of which were used as chemical warfare agents in World War I and II, are applied as pesticides and herbicides to soil, plants, and people around the country and the world.

Near Sheldon, Illinois, grower Joe Zumwalt applies a low-insecticide bait that is targeted against western corn rootworms feeding on and laying eggs in these soybeans. (Photo by Ken Hammond courtesy U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)

The U.S. releases over six billion pounds of toxic chemicals into the environment each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 200,000 people are killed by pesticide poisons, worldwide every year. That means 547 men, women and children die every day from pesticide poisoning. In addition, four million children die each year from the effects of contaminated water and other toxic hazards. That's nearly 11,000 per day.

UNICEF reports that many independent authorities assert that at least 500,000 Iraqi children under five have died since 1990, in part as a result of the U.S. sanctions and the effects of the Gulf War.

Surely these threats and atrocities are worth waging a war upon to save lives.

Crops aren't the only place pesticides are sprayed. Pesticides are being used in classrooms, offices, playgrounds, lawns, playing fields, locker rooms, bathrooms, storage rooms, basements, school gymnasiums and day care rooms. Kitchens and cafeterias are the areas most frequently treated with pesticides. Pesticides and herbicides are applied to eliminate many kinds of pests, including weeds, mice, cockroaches, ants, flies, lice, ticks, fleas and other insects. Some people spray outdoors to kill bees, wasps, ants, rodents and pigeons.

Pesticide and solvent vapors, unlike most chemical warfare agents that dissipate rapidly, can persist in indoor air for weeks or even years. Pesticide residues can contaminate indoor surfaces, and can remain in carpets and dust for months or years. They can also persist outdoors in soil for years and some weed-killers commonly used at schools can last from one to five years in the soil.

Research over the last 20 years shows that pesticides cause sterility, birth defects, and neurological disorders.

Pesticides stay on fruit and produce and most cannot be washed off with water. In studies done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 108 different kinds of pesticides were found on 22 fruits and vegetables commonly eaten by children! Sixteen pesticides were found in eight samples of processed baby food.

Crop dusting aircraft are the worst offenders, possibly contributing to more pesticide poisoning episodes than any other delivery method. Less than 10 percent - some say as little as one percent - of the pesticide gets applied to the crop. The rest becomes airborne and can affect people, animals, and plants many miles away.

These chemicals are regularly detected in the air thousands of miles from where they were used. DDT, banned in the United States in the 1970s has been found in Antarctic ice, penguin tissues, and in most species of whales! Farm pesticide resides have been found in vacuum cleaner bags of people living in cities many hundreds of miles from farms.

The life systems of the Earth are intimately connected. You cannot affect one without eventually affecting them all.

Millions of tons of hazardous substances have been improperly disposed of and cause a continual threat to human, animal, and ecosystem health. (Photo courtesy U.S. EPA)

Crop dusters spray every day, and not just to end insect infestations. Potato growers apply pesticides from crop dusters to kill foliage on fields they are about to harvest to make it easier to get the potatoes. Apple growers spray a chemical on the apples to keep them on the trees longer so they get redder and don't fall off in the wind.

The Environmental Working Group estimates that every day, 1.1 million children eat food that, even after it is washed, contains an unsafe dose of 13 organophosphate pesticides. Of those children, 106,600 ate food that exceed the EPA's own safe daily dosage level for adults by 10 times or more.

The foods found to most likely contain unsafe pesticide levels are peaches, apples, nectarines, popcorn and pears. Among baby foods, pears, peaches and apple juice had the highest levels.

The problem is much worse than we can even imagine. We have no way of knowing the true extent of the illnesses and deaths that result from toxic pesticide exposure. A study in California reported that 16 out of 20 critically ill children that were transferred to a major medical center from smaller hospitals were wrongly diagnosed. They were actually suffering from acute pesticide poisoning.








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