




消失在即──安地斯山脈的氣候變遷速度遠超過冰河時期 (上)

Now You See Them, Now You Don't
In the Andes Mountains, the pace of climate change is far from glacial



















  「熱帶地區可能是除了極區以外,受氣候變遷影響最大的地方,」他指向就在附近的太平洋,那是著名的海洋暖化循環 - 聖嬰現象發生之處。「隨著聖嬰現象的頻率和強度增加,這些冰川也產生立即影響。」


by Ross Wehner

22 Apr 2002

Even 16,500 feet in the air, perched on the steep slope of a volcano in Ecuador, French glaciologist Bernard Francou moves gracefully. Hopping among ice blocks and jagged rock debris, he stops suddenly before a boulder with blue letters painted on its surface.

"This is where the glacier stopped when I first came here seven years ago," Francou explains, oblivious to the cold and the drizzle. He then points more than a football field's distance uphill, where a wall of blue ice marks the present-day terminus of Ecuador's Antizana glacier.

The thinker: Bernard Francou. Photo: Bernard Pouyaud, Ecuador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

The thinker: Bernard Francou. Photo: Bernard Pouyaud, Ecuador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

All over South America, glaciers are meeting the same fate as Antizana: Within the next 15 years, all of the continent's small glaciers -- about 80 percent of the total -- will disappear, according to Francou. He should know: As director of research for the French government's Institute of Research and Development, Francou has been researching tropical glaciers for 15 years, making him one of the foremost experts in the field.

"The trend is so clear that you can't argue with the numbers," Francou claims.

And sure enough, the numbers are sobering: Between 1996 and 1998, the Antizana glacier shrunk 100 yards and lost 8 percent of its area. Smaller glaciers are melting even faster; the Chacaltaya glacier in Bolivia lost nearly half of its area and two-thirds of its volume during the mid-1990s alone.

The disappearance of these glaciers is bad news for South American cities that rely on them year-round for water and hydroelectricity. Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, gets fully half of its water from the Antizana glacier. Concerned about maintaining the supply, the municipality is jointly sponsoring Francou's monitoring of the Antizana glacier with the Institute for Research and Development. "For me, this glacier study is about climate change," explains Francou. "For the government of Ecuador, however, it is about economic impact."

Antizana glacier in 1994 (top) and 2000 (bottom). Photo: Bernard Francou, Eduador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

Antizana glacier in 1994 (top) and 2000 (bottom). Photo: Bernard Francou, Eduador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

The government has ample reason to be concerned: The other half of Quito's water supply comes from the paramo, a high-altitude ecosystem of thick, matted plants that will most likely disappear when the glaciers do. "We know that the glaciers cause passing moisture from the Amazon to fall as rain," explains Edgar Ayabaca, head of Quito's municipal water utility. "The paramo absorbs this water like a sponge and releases it slowly. What we are studying is whether the paramo will become a desert when the glaciers melt."


To see first-hand what is happening to South America's glaciers, I accompanied Francou and his Ecuadorian counterpart, Bolivar Caceres, on a monitoring trip to Antizana. Our mission was to take measurements both at the bottom of the glacier and at the mountain's 19,000-foot summit. Francou's team visits their glaciers every other week, so it's handy that Anizana is just an hour and a half drive from Quito. The last part of the journey is on a deeply rutted track that winds through acres upon acres of barren paramo, broken only by a herd of goats and the crystalline white cone of Antizana. On the other side of this massive volcano, the land drops down into the Amazon basin; water from the region drains into Brazil and beyond.

Antizana. Photo: Bernard Francou, Eduador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

Antizana. Photo: Bernard Francou, Eduador Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia.

Along the way, I asked Francou, who has similar teams working in Bolivia and Peru and is hoping to start a new project in India, why he studies climate change in the tropics, when most of his colleagues focus on either the Arctic or the Antarctic.

"After the poles, the tropics are perhaps the area most heavily affected by climate change," he explains, pointing in the direction of the nearby Pacific Ocean where the cycle of ocean warming known as El Nino is born. "As the frequency and intensity of the El Nino cycles increase, these glaciers respond immediately."

Although Andean glaciers have been retreating since the end of the Little Ice Age (around 1870), the pace of melting skyrocketed with the warm El Nino conditions of the 1990s -- which was also the hottest decade in recorded history. The Antizana glacier shrunk seven to eight times faster than normal during that 10-year span.








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