





Healing Our World: Weekly Comment

販賣環境的毀滅和疾病 (上)

Marketing Environmental 
Destruction and Disease 

作者:傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士




-羅爾弗•雅各布森 英文翻譯:格林Glenn Storhaug









  「公關組織觀察」(PR Watch)是一個致力於揭發公關騙局的組織,教育人士約翰•巴洛斯基曾為該組織撰文表示:目前我們的環境教育正處於岌岌可危的境況。財團設立了許多課程與學程活動,這些課程不但專業、易學易用,而且常常是免費的;然而這些課程卻非常袒護工業界。巴洛斯基指出:「他們在販賣謊言,而教師們也購買這些謊言,被放進袋子裡的那些資料,其腐蝕性和農業局所推廣的殺蟲劑簡直不相上下。」

  其中最陰險的一項計畫叫做「專案學習樹」(Project Learning Tree, PLT),這些計畫負責提供一些由全世界教育學者認可的教材。事實上,「專案學習樹」是由美國林業基金會所贊助的;該基金會是一個公關組織,其背後成員絕大多數為非永續經營伐木的公司。「專案學習樹」的任務是推廣紙類製品,並推動森林砍伐與工業式管理。這些業者將魔掌伸入學校,提供另一種版本的環境教育,從托兒所到高中生都在他們的掌握之中,其影響範圍據稱已超過50萬名教育人員與2,500萬名學生。


By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. 

They are all children when they sleep.
There is no war in them.
They open their hands and breathe
in the slow rhythm given to humans by heaven.

Whether soldiers, statesmen, servants, or masters
they purse their lips like small children
and they all half-open their hands.
stars stand watch then and the arch of the sky is hazed over
for a few hours when no one will harm another.

If only we could talk with each other then,
when hearts are like half-open flowers.
Words would push their way in
like golden bees

God, teach me sleep's language.
-- Rolf Jacobsen, translated by Glenn Storhaug 

Each day, activists and concerned citizens around the nation are fighting to stem the tide of environmental destruction, fueled by an economy based on endless consumption of resources and supported by a conservative presidential administration.

Yet for most of corporate America, every day is business as usual. Penalties are paid for violating environmental regulations and poisoning our earth, air and water. Yet the penalties are not really of great concern to business and industry, since they are kept to a minimum by a supportive Congress and are even tax deductible.

Victories and gains are visible everywhere, and even the most conservative industry must eventually bend to public outcry. But the occasional investigative report by the print and broadcast media and infrequent victories by consumer groups are offset by the massive public relations and marketing machines of the corporate world. Every hour of every day, subtly and not-so-subtly, insidious messages are fed to us as the media, government, and even the professionals we trust try to sell us on a way of life that is killing us.

Every day, in the United States alone, over $200 million is spent on advertising. The environmental connections are dramatic. Marketing firms are paid millions of dollars to come up with intentionally deceptive campaigns that will lure us to the promised land of consumerism - at all costs.

Here are some examples of this assault on our intellects and our emotions.

Science Teachers Conventions

Every year, nearly 15,000 teachers gather at conventions put on by the National Science Teachers Association. I have been to a few of them, and they are tragic examples of the effects of the lure of corporate dollars. Industries and their PR groups attend these conferences in great numbers, trying to justify everything from deforestation to extinction of species. They know that this is the perfect venue for targeting America's teachers and, ultimately, our children. Teachers are so starved for materials and handouts that they flock to these booths.

John Borowski inspects materials on display at the National Science Teachers Convention(Photo courtesy PR Watch)

Educator John Borowski said in an article for PR Watch, a group dedicated to exposing public relations scams, said education about the environment is being assaulted. Corporations are creating professionally produced, easy to use, and usually free curricula and lesson plans that are incredibly biased in favor of industry. Borowski says, "They were selling lies, and the teachers were buying - quickly filling their bags with curricula as corrosive as the pesticides that the Farm Bureau promotes." 

A particularly insidious program is Project Learning Tree (PLT), a provider of environmental education materials that are universally embraced by environmental educators. But PLT is a program of The American Forest Foundation (AFF), a lumber company PR group that has as its members most of the clearcutters and destroyers of our forests. PLT works to promote paper products, logging and industrial management of our nation's forests. They offer this version of environmental education to students from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade and claim to have reached more than 500,000 educators and 25 million students.

Borowski reminds us, "Parents must assume the role of front-line warriors in this winnable war. They must demand that any curricula provided by corporate sources be reviewed, just like the process by which textbooks are reviewed prior to adoption." He says, "Corporate predators in education are no different than those who peddle tobacco to our children."








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