





Wind Power




編按:wind farm所指主要有二,一是指在陸上或海面上,架設風車翼設施而生產電力,猶如作物種植生產糧食一般;二是,陸上的風車翼設施大多與農牧地並用,尤其在歐洲與美國等地,在台灣目前也多屬此種利用形式。其規模大小並不一定,依各地需求有所不同。

Wind power is in the short term one of the most promising renewable energy sources. Technological advances have caused the price of wind power in favourable locations to drop dramatically. According to the American Wind Energy Association, the global wind-energy industry set a record for new installed generating capacity in 1997. The rate of growth appeared likely to maintain wind's position as one of the world's fastest growing energy sources. Although wind power cannot produce power 100 percent of the time and therefore cannot be relied upon for all of a country's power (just as hydropower cannot, due to droughts), it could provide a much greater proportion of energy production in places with good winds.

If wind power is to become a major electricity producer, wind farms must be developed in such a way that they benefit the communities in which they are installed. Denmark is perhaps one of the best examples of this. It began its wind power programme from the 'bottom up', and Danish communities were made shareholders in windfarm co-ops. Denmark now leads the world in its wind power capabilities.

Egypt is in the pilot stage of a programme whose goal is for the nation to become Africa's Number 1 wind-power generator. Egypt's Red Sea coastline is one of the world's best sites for wind power potential. In places, winds average 23 miles per hour for 95 percent of the year (the biggest wind power farms in Europe and the US average 16 mph winds). The 43 percent greater wind speed found in Egypt delivers almost 300 percent as much power. The power from these excellent winds is also cheap: at one new site, windmills are expected to generate power at a cost of 4 cents per kilowatt hour, or one-third the average cost in Germany. Wind farms are being built in a 3a-square-mile area of desert set aside by the government near Zafarana. By the end of the year 2000, the farms should be generating 90 megawatts (enough to power a town of 15,000). Egypt's renewable energy authority hopes the farms will generate 600 megawatts by 2005, which is about three percent of the country's current needs.








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