












版權歸屬 國際河網IRN, 環境信託基金會(金霞 譯,吳國玢、張正慈 審校)


Most modern societies turned their backs on their rivers long ago, and badly damaged them with development projects and pollution. This is shifting, though, and a growing number of communities around the world are rediscovering the value of healthy rivers. And, of course, there are many communities around the world whose appreciation for their rivers and commitment to sustainably managing their catchments never flagged.

The key to protecting and restoring rivers lies in treating the entire catchment with care and respect. Thinking on a catchment level means seeing rivers as integral parts of a complex and dynamic system of land and water and life. Disrupting any part of the system will eventually affect all other parts. Looking after rivers thus means looking after water, soils, ecosystems and the air (because in industrialized nations, much of the pollution entering aquatic systems comes from air pollution).

Any sensible strategy of freshwater management must aim to have healthy catchments. This means they are not badly degraded by deforestation, unsustainable farming practices or excessive urbanization; and have intact wetlands and rivers which, to the greatest extent possible, are unpolluted, support a wide variety of life forms and are able to flood according to their natural pattern. The solution to many of today's water problems - including floods, lowering groundwater tables and water-quality problems - is to protect and restore catchment ecosystems. If this is not done, no amount of new dams or other technologies will be able to prevent these problems.

Catchment thinking means recognizing and respecting the complexity of the interactions between land, water and atmosphere. It means adapting to this complexity rather than making counter-productive efforts to control and simplify it. It also means respecting the diversity of different catchments and the natural and human communities that live within them. It means finding ways of living which allow our economic, cultural and spiritual needs to be satisfied while maintaining healthy watersheds. Most importantly, it means thinking about our catchments, and making their proper management a community priority. It means creating a catchment community.

Creating an effective catchment community involves bringing together the many diverse interests which use the catchment to evaluate the entire spectrum of human activities that are stressing the catchment. While it may seem difficult to do, this community must include all the different interest groups in the catchment, including those that might be perceived to be the cause of problems. Since no one group alone can solve all of a catchment's problems, a diverse catchment community - one that includes citizens, community leaders, politicians, government agencies, environmentalists, recreationalists, educators, farmers, bankers, factory owners, students and scientists, to name a few important players - is key to success. One of the more difficult but important tasks for such a group is to build trust among all these partners, so that all will accept and work toward the goals the group sets out.









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