2001-11-26 美國森林局長戴爾•鮑斯渥斯17日表示,他支持柯林頓時期的一項計劃,加強保護加州境內大部分的內華達山區,雖然他也要求重審這計劃其中的部分,有關將如何影響該區野地火災控制策略,以及它是否與國會已通過的管理方案相互衝突。該計劃是經過花費120萬美元、連續多年研究內華達山區生態惡化的情形之後,所得出的結論,並預期保護成熟森林和動物棲地,並限制伐木作業。鮑斯渥斯的這項決定令環保人士感到滿意,卻激怒了一些鄉村居民、伐木業者和休閒業者的高層;在當初公佈該計劃時,他們就已對其提出200多件的申訴案。現在農業部的高層官員有15天的時間,去決定要批准或駁回森林局長的這項決定,但無論如何,由於支持與反對雙方都已表明將繼續爭取各自的權利,這項計劃將可能被帶上法庭進行辯論。
全文與圖片詳見: http://www.gristmagazine.com/grist/
版權歸屬Earth Day Network,環境資訊協會 (許心欣 譯,朱敬平 審校)
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U.S. Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth upheld a Clinton-era plan on Friday that would increase protection for much of California's Sierra Nevada, although he also called for a review of how the plan would affect fire control in the area and whether it would conflict with a congressionally approved management scheme. The plan, which was the result of a $12 million, multi-year study of ecological decline in the Sierra Nevada, would protect old-growth trees and other animal habitat, as well as significantly limit logging. Bosworth's decision pleased environmentalists, but angered some rural residents and timber and recreational leaders, who had filed more than 200 appeals of the plan. Agriculture Department higher-ups have 15 days to approve or reverse the ruling, but either way, the plan will probably go to court, as both sides have said they will keep up the fight.
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