駕駛員口述南半球海域,2001-12-17 (Greenpeace)-南極的氣候異常寒冷,我不得不堅強地面對。雖然來自加拿大的我,早在家鄉就經歷過了許多這樣的冬季,只是我從未經驗過在這極低溫下被高壓水槍的水柱沖灑在身上的感覺。然而在今天,我蹲在駕駛台前帶大家追逐捕鯨船的時候,就發生了這樣的事……
全文與圖片詳見: http://whales.greenpeace.org/expedition/
版權歸屬Greanpeace,環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,朱敬平 審校)
中英對照譯稿請見:http://e-info.org.tw/2001/12/1231/gp01121103.htm |
Coming from Canada, I steeled my self for the cold of the Antarctic, as I had done on the many cold winters back home. However, I had never been sprayed with water cannons and fire hoses in those frigid temperatures. This is what happened today, when I hunkered down behind the console of the Hurricane (a large, rigid-hulled inflatable), and steered us to the catcher ship.
highlights/food/mexcorncontamin3.htm |