南半球海域,2001-12-21 (Greenpeace)-早上9點,華德瑪和傑西發現一條鯨魚,糟糕的是捕鯨船就在附近,「京丸號」正在改變方向展開追逐。文森、傑西及其他負責拍照攝影的夥伴紛紛匆忙跳上「颶風號」,由傑西負責駕駛,試圖趕上京丸號。颶風號在高速行駛之下也花了1.5小時才趕上捕鯨船,還好他們到達的正是時候。傑西一到那兒就發現那隻鯨魚,就在魚叉的前方,而颶風號正好停在魚叉的位置……
全文與圖片詳見: http://whales.greenpeace.org/expedi
版權歸屬Greenpeace,環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,朱敬平 審校)
At 09.00 Waldemar and Jesse spot a whale. Trouble is, so have the whalers. The Kyo Maru changes course and the chase begins. Vincent, Jesse and our photo and video guys scramble into the Hurricane. With Jesse at the wheel they try to catch up to the Kyo.It takes the Hurricane half an hour to reach the catcher, which is moving at high speed, but they are in time. Jesse spots the whale as soon as they arrive. It's right in front of the harpoon so that's where he puts the Hurricane......
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