美國,加州,舊金山,2001-12-28 (Tidepool)-內華達山脈公有林地有史以來最具企圖心的森林管理計畫案,昨天由布希政府批准通過,此舉同時獲得環保主義者的喝采與伐木業擁護者的反彈。有關面臨威脅的物種如加州斑點梟、食魚貂及松貂等,其原有棲地的保存問題,長久以來在加州即不斷引起爭議;而政府這項延宕許久的決議,終使這些環境爭論得以落幕。這表示聯邦林業管理模式與過去有很大的不同,比起木材生產,更為重視古老樹林與瀕危物種的保護工作。
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版權歸屬Tidepool News Service,環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,朱敬平 審校)
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In a move that pleased environmentalists and angered timber industry advocates, the Bush administration yesterday approved the most ambitious management plan ever proposed for the public forests of the Sierra Nevada. The long-awaited decision caps one of California's most contentious and longest-running environmental disputes, originating in the battle to save the old-growth habitat of such threatened species as the California spotted owl, fisher and pine marten. It represents a dramatic departure from earlier models of federal forestry management, favoring protection of old-growth trees and endangered species over timber production.
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