南半球海域,2001-12-23 (Greenpeace)昨天早上,捕鯨船隊開始開始認真作業,他們曾經想盡各種辦法和我們保持距離,而此刻他們想甩掉我們。他們的速度比我們快很多,「日進丸號」(他們速度最慢的船)時速最高可到17.5海浬,而我們最高速度不過才將近12海浬……
全文與圖片詳見: http://whales.greenpeace.org/expedi
版權歸屬Greanpeace,環境資訊協會(莫聞 譯,李欣哲 審校)
gp01122301.htm |
Here is the situation. Yesterday morning, the whaling fleet began to run in earnest. They had made other attempts to put distance between us, but this time they ran and kept running. Their ships are all substantially faster then ours. The Nisshin Maru (their slowest ship) has a top speed of 17.5 knots, compared to our top speed of just under 12 knots.
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