作者 傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士
•認定反應爐的壓力槽一定不會故障,即使金屬脆化現象(反應爐壁因暴露於輻射而變得易脆)迫使Yankee Rowe 核能電廠停機。
例如,Indian Point 2及3核能電廠採用相同的西屋設計均座落於紐約州,由不同的所有人營運。但有報告指出,Indian Point 3發生事故的機率比它的姊妹電廠高出25%。
位在密蘇里州,Fulton東南方10英哩處的卡拉威核能電廠,聯合電力公司(Union Electric Company)所有。(照片提供 美國核能管理委員會)
堪薩斯州的狼溪(Wolf Creek)廠和密蘇里州的卡拉威廠採用相同標準化的西屋設計,建造方式完全一樣;但對某些相同事件而言,在卡拉威廠的報告顯示其可能導致反應爐核心損害的機率,比狼溪廠高出10到20倍。
幾年前,瓦特福特核電廠(地近路易西安那州的Taft) 的一位工作人員發現渦輪機建築冒出濃煙,火災警報器足足遲了29分鐘才響起,以便工作人員穿過濃煙尋找火源。
2.起身參與並發出怒吼吧!迫使那些老舊電廠關門或重建老舊組件,請造訪美國核能管理委員會的民眾參與(Public Involvement) 網站,並提出你的意見:http://www.nrc.gov/NRC/public.html
3. 科學工作者關懷聯盟幫助你瞭解如何反對布希的能源方案:http://www.ucsusa.org/act/act_scheme.html
4.到核能管理委員會營運中心(Operations Center)查看每日記事(Daily Events):http://www.nrc.gov/NRR/DAILY/der.htm。做好受驚嚇的心理準備吧。
6.有關全世界的核子反應爐,請造訪 http://www.nrc.gov/NRC/
7.造訪核能守衛圖書館 (Nuclear Guardianship Library),了解我們能對悲慘的核子廢料後遺症做些什麼:http://www.nonukes.org/ngl.htm
8. 找出誰是你的國會代表,並寫e-mail給他們,要求他們阻止政府不加思索地就讓危險的核能電廠通過執照換發。根據你的郵遞區號,可在這網站找到他們http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
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版權歸屬Environment News Service (ENS),環境資訊協會 (李眉君 譯, 李欣哲、蔡麗伶 審校)
2001/sub-energy01082801.htm |
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) reminds us that the U.S. nuclear energy industry is an accident waiting to happen. UCS says, "A severe nuclear accident has the potential to do catastrophic harm to people and the environment. A combination of human and mechanical error could result in an accident killing several thousand people, injuring several hundred thousand others, contaminating large areas of land, and costing billions of dollars."
The UCS believes that the nuclear reactor risk assessments conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are really not risk assessments at all because potential accident consequences are not evaluated. The assessments merely examine accident probabilities, which is only half of the risk equation. Union of Concerned Scientists also believes that accident probability calculations are seriously flawed and have found many irregularities in NRC reporting and the facts.
Here are a few examples:
•The risk assessments assume nuclear plants always conform with safety requirements, yet each year more than a thousand violations are reported.
•Plants are assumed to have no design problems even though hundreds are reported every year.
•Aging is assumed to result in no damage, despite evidence that aging materials killed four workers.
•Reactor pressure vessels are assumed to be failure proof, even though embrittlement (reactor walls becoming brittle due to radiation exposure) forced the Yankee Rowe nuclear plant to shut down.
•The risk assessments assume that plant workers are far less likely to make mistakes than actual operating experience demonstrates.
•The risk assessments consider only the threat from damage to the reactor core despite the fact that irradiated fuel in the spent fuel pools represents a serious health hazard.
Also, the NRC has failed to establish any minimum standards for the accident probability calculations, all of which are conducted by plant owners, each with their own assumptions. Union of Concerned Scientists' research has shown the fallacy of conducting studies in this way with a number of case studies done on plants that were built identically, but operated by different owners.
For example, the Indian Point 2 and 3 nuclear plants share the same Westinghouse design and sit side by side in New York, but are operated by different owners. On paper, Indian Point 3 is more than 25 percent more likely to experience an accident than her sister plant.
Owned and operated by the Union Electric Company, the Callaway nuclear plant is 10 miles southeast of Fulton, Missouri. (Photo courtesy NRC)
The Wolf Creek plant in Kansas and the Callaway plant in Missouri were built identically, sharing the same standardized Westinghouse design. But some events at Callaway are reported to be 10 to 20 times more likely to lead to reactor core damage than the same events at Wolf Creek.
To make matters worse, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is allowing plant owners to cut back on tests and inspections of safety equipment, further increasing risks. The NRC approves these reductions based on the results from the incomplete and inaccurate accident probability assessments.
Surprisingly, one of the NRC risk assessments that is assumed to be 100 percent controlled is fire suppression. It is shocking that in this day and age, fire control is actually a concern at nuclear facilities, facilities that could kill tens of thousands of people in the event of a disaster.
A few years ago, a worker at the Waterford nuclear plant, near Taft, Louisiana, reported heavy smoke in the turbine building. The plant's fire alarm was not sounded for 29 minutes so workers could search through heavy smoke for the source of the flames.
During this time, fire detector alarms in the control room were ignored by operators who were busy directing workers who searched for the fire. When the plant's fire brigade finally responded, the fire brigade leader did not allow water to be used because of the electrical equipment. As a result, the fire blazed for over an hour. When use of water was finally allowed, the fire was put out within four minutes. Another comedy of errors like this could have disastrous consequences.
The list is very long of disasters in the making. For example, nine U.S. nuclear power plants were shut down for all of 1997 while their owners made extensive repairs to emergency equipment that were long overdue. Each of these plants had operated for years with emergency systems that would not have functioned as required in event of an accident.
We have to stop this madness before it escalates. We must demand that safe, alternative forms of energy be developed rather the dirty nuclear and fossil fuels that represent the personal interests and investments of the U.S. Presidential administration. The people must demand that reason return to energy policy.
The "American Way" that President Bush seeks to protect is unsustainable and has disastrous consequences for the ecosystem and every woman, man and child alive.
1. See the license renewal process described at the NRC website at
2. Get involved and make your voice heard! Demand that these old plants be forced to close or rebuild their aging components. Visit the NRC Public Involvement website and put in your comments at
3. Learn how to oppose the Bush energy scheme with the help of the Union of Concerned Scientists at
4. Check out Daily Events from the NRC Operations Center at
der.htm. Be prepared to be scared.
5. For a list of all U.S. nuclear reactors and their license expiration dates, visit
6. See the a list of nuclear reactors worldwide at http://www.nrc.gov/
7. Visit the Nuclear Guardianship Library to learn of what we should be doing with the tragic legacy of nuclear waste at
8. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them. Demand that they stop the rubber stamp relicensing of dangerous nuclear plants. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at
{Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He can be found wondering how many devastated areas that once were nuclear reactor sites his new son will know of when he grows up. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at
jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his website at
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