




自產的石油與天然氣決不是能源安全的保證 (上)

Put This in Your Pipeline and Smoke It-Domestic oil and gas is not the ticket to U.S. energy security

作者:艾默•拉文士 與 杭特•拉文士




  火線下的輸油管線(照片提供 美國國家再生能源實驗室)




by Amory and L. Hunter Lovins

The 800-mile-long Chapstik

In contrast, such options as drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge decrease security. If the refuge held economically recoverable oil (unlikely and in any case a decade away, according to the official data), then delivering that oil by its only route, the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline System, would undercut the anti-terrorist goals of the Defense Authorization Act. It would make the pipeline the fattest energy-terrorist target in the country -- akin, writes Bill McKibben, to pinning a "Kick Me" sign on Uncle Sam's backside.

The pipeline would carry a domestic energy source all right, but it's frighteningly insecure. It's mostly aboveground, accessible to attackers, and can become impossible to repair in winter. If pumping stations or key facilities at either end were disabled, 9 million barrels of hot oil could congeal in one winter week into an 800-mile-long Chapstik. The Army, U.S. General Accounting Office, and Senate Judiciary Committee found the pipeline indefensible. On Oct. 4, a drunk shut it down for 60 hours with one rifle shot. It had previously been sabotaged, shot at on over 50 occasions, and incompetently bombed twice. A disgruntled engineer's more sophisticated plot to blow up three critical points with 14 bombs, then profit from oil futures trading, was thwarted by luck two years ago. He was an amiable bungler compared with the Sept. 11 attackers, whose Algerian colleagues have just threatened to blow up a major gas pipeline to Southern Europe. On the weekend of Oct. 26, Midwest police detained, and later released, six suspicious Middle Eastern men who had photographs of the pipeline.

In the pipeline of firePhoto: NREL. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Both Gulf oil and the vulnerable, rapidly aging Trans-Alaska Pipeline imperil national energy security. Both should be replaced with faster, cheaper, inherently secure energy efficiency and a distributed domestic supply system. That is how to design an energy system that terrorists can't shut off -- and a durable foundation for an America that would no longer be a fragile power.

For further details, please visit the Rocky Mountain Institute's library of articles on energy and energy security. An earlier version of this piece was published on TomPaine.com.

Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins are co-founders of Rocky Mountain Institute, an entrepreneurial nonprofit organization that fosters the efficient and restorative use of resources to create a more secure, prosperous, and life-sustaining world. They are longtime consultants to major oil companies and the Departments of Energy and Defense.(20 Nov. 2001)








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