




採購綠色電力蔚然成風 (上)

Green Power Purchases Growing by Leaps and Bounds



供應加州沙加緬度公用事業特區電力的風力發電設備。圖中人物保羅•歐姆史泰得,為此處蒙特祖馬山電廠的資深計劃管理人,他負責控管這些設備。(大衛•派森 攝,國家再生能源實驗室 提供)

  供應加州沙加緬度公用事業特區電力的風力發電設備。圖中人物保羅•歐姆史泰得,為此處蒙特祖馬山電廠的資深計劃管理人,他負責控管這些設備。(大衛•派森 攝,國家再生能源實驗室 提供)





  在德國,綠色電力用戶數大約是28萬人,許多大型的公司購買綠色電力,有益於創造綠色電力消費市場需求,使之超越石化燃料的消費市場。在洛拉茨市,一間大型「順勢醫療」(homeopathic medicine)公司Desdner Bank, Weleda AG,以及23家幼稚園,都完全使用綠色電力。(編按:順勢醫療與傳統的「對抗」症狀的療法相對,係引發人體的自癒能力來達成治病目的)


世界上最大規模的住宅型太陽能光電板組,位於荷蘭阿默斯福特,架設在32間相連房屋的平坦屋頂上。(太陽能晶片製造商BP Solarex  提供)

  世界上最大規模的住宅型太陽能光電板組,位於荷蘭阿默斯福特,架設在32間相連房屋的平坦屋頂上。(太陽能晶片製造商 BP Solarex 提供) 



  在美國科羅拉多州的「風力發電草根運動」(譯按:此由「落磯山脈土地與水資源基金會」發起,the LAW Fund),教育民眾有關風力發電的好處,並鼓勵民眾轉而購買風力發電。這項運動的成果是,該州有2萬戶住宅及無數商業用戶成為綠色電力訂戶,其中包含IBM、惠普、戶外服飾商Patagonia以及丹佛、柯林斯堡、亞斯本等城市,甚至州長官邸也購買綠色電力。



By Bernie Fischlowitz-Roberts

WASHINGTON, DC, April 2, 2002 (ENS) -In June 2001, the city of Chicago and 48 city government agencies signed a contract with local utility ComEd to purchase 10 percent of their electricity from renewable sources, a figure due to increase to 20 percent in five years.

Wind machines generate power for California's Sacramento Municipal Utility District, kept running by Paul Olmstead, senior project manager at this Montezuma Hills facility. (Photo by David Parsons courtesy NREL)

Wind machines generate power for California's Sacramento Municipal Utility District, kept running by Paul Olmstead, senior project manager at this Montezuma Hills facility. (Photo by David Parsons courtesy NREL)

This is the largest such purchase in the United States, but Chicago is just one example of the many cities, businesses, and individuals who are buying "green power." Utilities in eight states and many other industrial countries now offer such purchases.

In October 1999, Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom started buying at least 30 percent of its energy from green power. Six months later, Edinburgh University signed an agreement to obtain 40 percent of its energy this way. Since renewable energy sources in the United Kingdom are exempt from a climate change levy enacted in April 2001, making this switch is virtually cost free and can even save money.

The Netherlands has more than 775,000 green energy customers, which represents five percent of the population. The number of customers has tripled in just one year.

This rapid growth is due to an energy tax exemption for green electricity, green energy deregulation, and successful marketing campaigns. With Dutch demand outstripping supply, more than 30 percent of the green power used there is now imported.

Germany has approximately 280,000 green energy customers. Many large German companies are buying green power, helping to create consumer demand to move beyond fossil fuels. Dresdner Bank, Weleda AG, a large homeopathic medicine company, and 23 kindergartens in Lorrach all purchase 100 percent green power.

In March 1999, a comprehensive ecological tax reform law took effect in Germany that reduced income taxes, raised taxes on energy sources tied to carbon emissions, and exempted renewables.

The world's largest residential solar photovoltaic project on 32 flat roofed houses in Amersfoort, Netherlands. (Photo courtesy BP Solarex)

The world's largest residential solar photovoltaic project on 32 flat roofed houses in Amersfoort, Netherlands. (Photo courtesy BP Solarex)

In February 2000, the parliament passed a renewable energies law that included payments for excess green energy generation fed back into the power grid; at those times, the meters run backwards, reducing customers' electric bills. These policies, which help make green energy cost-effective, are essential to the ultimate success of green power programs.

Australia's green power sales are evenly divided between 60,000 residential customers and almost 2,500 commercial ones. Most of the green energy supplied to date in Australia is derived from biomass and hydroelectric power, with only eight percent coming from wind or solar. With wind resource development accelerating, however, wind's share is increasing rapidly.

In the U.S. state of Colorado, the Grassroots Campaign for Wind Power has educated citizens about the benefits of wind power and encouraged a shift in purchasing behavior. As a result, Colorado has 20,000 residential green power subscribers and numerous commercial ones, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Patagonia Clothing, as well as the cities of Denver, Fort Collins, and Aspen. Even the governor's mansion buys green power.

At the University of Colorado, students voted overwhelmingly during the spring of 2000 to raise student fees by $1 per semester in order to purchase wind power. This fee increase generates $50,000 per year, enough to buy the output of one wind turbine, or two million kilowatt-hours of electricity.

A large number of U.S. businesses and other commercial customers have also signed up. In addition to large, high profile companies like Toyota and Kinko's, lesser known companies are aligning their purchasing decisions with their environmental values. Fetzer Vineyards, for example, began buying five million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy annually for its organic wine operations in Hopland, California.








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