



每週評論:救治我們的世界 Healing Our World: Weekly Comment


Children: Silent Victims of Global Greed

作者 傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士



  在菲律賓的小鎮上,水污染就從此開始。(照片提供 慈善行動組織所)








  一名伊拉克小女孩和未經(化學)處理的污水下水道(照片提供 曠野心聲。譯者按:該組織的宗旨是,呼籲西方國家結束對伊拉克的經濟制裁。)




  事實上,要解決水的問題,世界上的財富可說是綽綽有餘。根據世界策略協會(The World Game Institute)的估計,只要連續10年間每年投資100億美金,那麼全球民眾都能擁有符合個人需求的飲用水。這樣的投資是以每人各50美元估算,包括尋找水源、建立衛生系統,以及進行訓練之用。


  這個在非洲的蓄水池是透過馬利多瑪 (Malidoma Some) 集資興建的。(照片由Malidoma Some提供)










4.參與「呼應祖先 (Echoes of the Ancestors)」這個非政府組織的工作,這是一個由非洲學者和社會運動者 Malidoma Some 所領軍的組織:http://www.malidoma.com/
(P.s. Malidoma Some是人名, 他屬於the Dagara Tribe of West Africa 族)


6.目前有很多人道團體正試圖在低度發展國家努力解決水問題,國際扶輪社醫生銀行(The Rotary Doctor Bank)是其中之一,你可以到這個網站看看他們的努力:http://www.rotarydoctorbank.org/




版權歸屬Environment News Service(ENS),環境信託基金會(陳潁峰 譯,黃媺雯 蔡麗伶 審校)



By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D

You may think
I am a shadow,
But inside
I am a sun.
-- Damia Gates (Grade 4, Allendale Elementary School, California)

Every hour of every day, children die all over the world because of short- sighted political choices that keep toxic substances steadily flowing into our air, water, and food and keep the world's water supplies clouded with human waste. You don't hear about them on the evening news, all these dead children. They are just considered the necessary consequences of progress and the unequal distribution of wealth in our world.

How water pollution begins in a Philippine town. (Photo courtesy Mercy in Action)

The numbers of deaths each day are staggering and rival any natural disaster or plague. The largest single cause of preventable deaths results from the millions of people who use polluted drinking water around the world. Over four million children under the age of five die each year from diseases resulting just from unsanitary drinking water.

That number increases dramatically if you include those poisoned by industrial wastes contaminating water worldwide.

The people of the United States are not immune. The Environmental Protection Agency estimated in the mid-1990s that 53 million people in the U.S., about 20 percent of the population, have been drinking water that is contaminated with feces, radiation, lead, or other poisons.

Two to four million children each year die from diarrhea caused by diseases transmitted in polluted drinking water. This is nearly one fourth of all child deaths in the world.

This is not a necessary consequence of living in a country that is less technological than the United States. These senseless deaths are the direct result of the greed of the government leaders in the more developed countries who choose to increase their profits rather than clean up water supplies and build the necessary sanitation systems.

Diarrhea from bad drinking water is the leading cause of death in the world for children. In developing countries, infectious diseases, many of which are caused by polluted drinking water systems, account for 42 percent of all deaths compared to 1.2 percent in the more developed countries.

The World Health Organization estimates that each year, over 10 million children under the age of five die of mostly preventable infectious diseases. That's 27,000 every day!. 

A young girl and a river of raw sewage in Iraq. (Photo courtesy Voices in the Wilderness)

Diseases that come from unsafe drinking water cause 40 percent of these senseless deaths. Sixty percent of rural families and 25 percent of urban homes around the world lack safe water. This contaminated water is wreaking havoc on the world's oceans and impacting fisheries.

The industrialized countries stand by and watch as this worldwide tragedy goes on every moment of every day. Most leaders would say it would cost too much to fix this global problem.

In fact, providing clean water is not all that expensive. For example, a joint program of the Indian government, the United Nations Children's Fund and local nongovernmental organizations supplied water to 550 million Indians by providing 2.2 million hand pumps. The annual cost was $4 per person.

Contrary to what you may hear from politicians, there is plenty of money available in the world to stop this tragedy. The World Game Institute estimates that all of the world's people could be provided with enough water to meet their personal needs for an investment of $10 billion per year for 10 years. Their figures assume an investment of about $50 per person for water, sanitation materials, and training.

This is about 1.2 percent of the world's total annual military expenditures, or about one percent of what is being spent on illegal drugs in the world each year. It is also about 15 percent of what the people in the U.S. spend each year on alcohol and tobacco. Many billionaires in the U.S. alone could write a check for this amount today and not feel the loss.

A water reservoir built in Africa through donations by Malidoma Some. (Photo courtesy Malidoma Some) 

The World Game Institute goes on to say that if you assumed that providing clean water would save only one million lives per year - the actual figure could be more like 10 million - the total savings to the world would be $990 billion per year. The pay-back on the investment would occur in less than four days. 

Yet the rhetoric of our political leaders is designed to make us believe that solving problems such as this is impossible. We are made to feel hopeless and helpless, doomed to work in underpaid, unsatisfying jobs to earn enough to provide the bare minimum for our families. How can there be time or money to help those unfortunate enough to be born outside of the United States?

There must be time spent and there must be money spent on these global problems. If we allow our leaders - and ourselves - to choose to ignore these issues, what kind of statement are we making about the priorities of our lives?  

What could possibly be more important that providing something as fundamental as clean water to the people of the world? Is any company's annual report to their stockholders worth a mountain of bodies of dead infants?

The silence and acceptance must end, today. I don't know how much more of this our souls can bear.


1. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them. Demand that they fund clean water efforts throughout the U.S. and the world. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at: http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/

2. South Africans suffer intensely from drinking water problems. Learn about their plight from the South African Environment Project at: http://www.saep.org/subject/water/

3. The U.S. bombing of Iraq's power plants and infrastructure during the Gulf War destroyed the country's water purification and distribution system and may be responsible for the deaths of over 500,000 children. Track this through Voices in the Wilderness at: http://www.nonviolence.org/vitw/

4. Follow the work of Echoes of the Ancestors, Inc., a non-profit group headed by African scholar and activist Malidoma Some at: http://www.malidoma.com/Malidoma/

5. See some examples of U.S. water contamination incidents at: http://www.all-natural.com/water.html

6. The Rotary Doctor Bank is one of the many humanitarian organizations trying to do something about water issues in lesser developed countries. See their efforts at: http://www.rotarydoctorbank.org/99i/db_99_3a.htm

7. See UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2000 report at: http://www.unicef.org/sowc00/

8. Legalized water pollution continues around the world in the form of fluoridation. Marketed by some health professionals as a preventative for tooth decay, studies have shown that the incidence of dental problems is fluoridated populations is no different from that of non-fluoride users. Yet cities around the world use toxic waste from the fertilizer industry in the form of hexafluorosilicic acid and its sodium salt, disodium hexafluorosilicate. These chemicals are derived from phosphate fertilizer industry and contain impurities which are known to cause cancer. Stay in touch with this issue through Citizens for Safe Drinking Water at: http://www.nofluoride.com/

[Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He can be found marvelling at all the suffering that takes place amidst the grand abundance of our Earth. Send your thoughts and ideas to him at jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his website at: http://www.healingourworld.com/









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