




每週評論:救治我們的世界 Healing Our World: Weekly Comment


錯失標的-綠色子彈 (上)


Missing the Target - Green Bullets





「綠色子彈」(照片提供 美軍環境中心)

  美國報紙在五月大幅報導這則新聞時,似乎並沒有看出「綠色」用在子彈上的諷刺。不過有其他國家看出來了,像是「西澳洲人(West Australian)」的頭條報導所說:綠色子彈對人類並不是如此地友善。


『我們希望成為好的環境經理者』軍方發言人凱倫•貝克五月時對「聯合新聞(the Associated Press)」這麼說。



  美國士兵(照片提供 美國軍方)



  『非常可能地,在美國一共3200個戶外靶場,都有高度鉛污染的問題。若這些區域要拿來做工業或住宅用途的話,必須要費力地清理才能安全使用。』「環境工作團隊(Environmental Working Group)」的研究執行長珍•胡利漢說道。






  演習中的坦克(照片提供 美國軍方)



By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. 

We who have lost our sense and our senses
Our touch, our smell, our vision of who we are;
We who frantically force and press all things,
Without rest for body and spirit,
Hurting our Earth and injuring ourselves;
We call a halt.
-- Daniel Martin

Just when you thought you might have heard everything, something surprises you. In the last few years, the product marketers learned that if you call something "green," you can gain access to an ever growing market of consumers who are concerned about the environment. The definition of what makes a product green, however, has remained ambiguous.

The term is being applied to products, processes, and people, but possibly the strangest and most ironic use of the term comes from the U.S. Army which has been working to develop the "green bullet" since 1994.

A green bullet is not designed to kill less or to be less painful. A green bullet is a lead free bullet.

Green bullets" (Photo courtesy U.S. Army Environmental Center)

U.S. newspapers didn't appear to see the irony of the green designation for a bullet when they covered the story extensively in May. Other nations did, as is shown by the "West Australian" newspaper's headline for the story that read "Green bullets not so people-friendly." 

The Army has spent about $12 million so far to make a more environmentally friendly 5.56 mm bullet for the M-16 rifle, a weapon issued to every Army infantry soldier.

An estimated 200 million rounds are fired each year from this weapon by all soldiers in training. Urban sprawl is bringing civilians to the property line of military facilities that used to be quite isolated. Along with the civilians come their environmental laws.

"We want to be good stewards of the environment," said Army spokeswoman Karen Baker to the Associated Press in May.

"As the Army tries to balance its testing and training mission with its requirement to comply with environmental regulations ... we are pushing already severely constrained resources to the breaking point," Maj. Gen. R.L. Van Antwerp told a Senate hearing earlier this year. After all, he said, "The primary mission of the United States Army is to fight and win in armed conflict."

Of the Pentagon's $296 billion budget, a mere $4.3 billion is spent on environmental activities.

American soldiers (Photo courtesy U.S. Army)

Lead from bullets of soldiers, hunters, and other gun users has been wreaking havoc in the environment for decades. Birds and other wildlife by the millions ingest lead shot from hunters' shotguns and suffer lingering, painful deaths from lead poisoning.

Humans suffer too. Those who eat wildlife with lead in their systems will accumulate lead in their own bodies. Humans at shooting ranges around the world are also showing the effects of lead poisoning as they breathe air filled with lead. They may unwittingly take home to their families lead in the soil from those ranges.

"It's very likely that every one of the 3,200 outdoor firing ranges in the U.S. is so highly contaminated with lead that a massive cleanup effort would be required to make it safe for any other industrial or residential use," said Environmental Working Group (EWG) research director Jane Houlihan.

A study by the EWG released earlier this year found that that outdoor firing ranges put more lead into the environment than many other major industrial sectors in the U.S.

Millions of pounds of lead have leached into the Earth, poisoning groundwater and upsetting ecosystem delicate balances.

The armed forces, historically exempt from many environmental regulations, have settled on tungsten to replace the lead in M-16 bullets, a move the Army says will eliminate soil contamination by 2005 when the new bullet will have replaced the old lead ones.

That appears safer at least until we discover the currently unknown effects that tungsten may have on the environment.

The lead in bullets is only a part of the environmental problem they create. Chemicals used for sealing, waterproofing, painting the bullet and propelling the slug are toxic, and some are cancer causing.

Tank on maneuvers (Photo courtesy U.S. Army)

The 5.56 mm bullet being replaced accounts for only half the small caliber ammunition used annually. Troops shoot another 200 million rounds of lead based 7.62 mm and 9 mm bullets and even more mortars, artillery and other large ammunition during training.








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