作者:傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士
「沙林」在1995年3月20日受到全世界的矚目,當時一個日本的恐怖份子Aum Shinrikyo在五個駛向Kasumigasek的地下鐵站裡放置沙林。這是個有很多東京政府機關工作的人員時常進出的地鐵站;那次毒氣事件造成有12位通勤者死亡以及5千多人受傷。
1.受殺蟲劑毒害的悲劇故事: http://www.getipm.com/our-loved-
3.從殺蟲劑運動中找尋殺蟲劑的濫用: http://www.panna.org
4.殺蟲劑如何形成毒害的詳細內容請參見 Soil Association
5.參觀國家反對殺蟲劑濫用聯盟: http://www.beyondpesticides.org/
6.瑞秋•卡森協會出版的殺蟲劑導覽手冊: http://members.aol.com/rccoun
7.「環境保護團體」的相關報導: http://www.ewg.org/pesticides/
8.「荒野之聲」 Voices in the Wilderness以及「公民關懷伊拉克人民」組織
傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾博士是一位西雅圖的作家兼教師。他在觀察到一個現象,有無數的支援湧向911悲劇受難者,同時每年有數以百萬計的小孩和大人死亡而不為人所知。將你的想法、建議、願景郵寄給他:jackie@healingourworld.com、 並參觀他的個人網站
■生化武器就在你身邊 (上) (下)
版權歸屬Environment News Service(ENS),環境信託基金會 (許嘉玲 譯,吳海音、蔡麗伶 審校)
environ01122501.htm |
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
The number of deaths each year from pesticide poisoning is staggering and grossly underestimated. Migrant farm workers suffer the most and their deaths and birth defects rarely show up on the lists of the dead, since they can't afford health care and fear reprisal by immigration authorities. They may never make it in to a hospital or to a doctor.
Business and industry have been waging chemical warfare on U.S. citizens for decades. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that more than 32 million workers are exposed to harmful substances from more than 3.5 million workplaces. Yet over the last 30 years, OSHA has issued only 170 citations to employers for not having proper procedures to protect against toxic substances leaving the workplace.
Solvents such as benzene, carbon disulfide, methylene chloride, and ketone are a few of the 49 million tons of solvents that are produced annually in the United States, and 9.8 million workers are exposed to them daily. They are in nail polish, paint, plastics, rubber cement, furniture and thousands of other products. They are absorbed through the skin or ingested.
Thousands of people are sickened and many die from these exposures annually.
We are under constant assault from industry sponsored chemical warfare every day:
·lung tissue scarring and cancer of the lining of the lung.
·Hormones from pharmaceutical workers, embalmers and farm workers cause many health problems for them and their families.
·Lead from employees who work in the lead smelting industries, fix batteries or radiators or who work at a shooting range can harm the brain, nervous system and kidneys.
·Cadmium from electroplating plants, paint pigments and solder is linked to lung and prostate cancer and even low level exposure can be harmful.
·PCBs and other chlorinated hydrocarbons come home with firefighters, plastics workers or those who work with electrical transformers and can cause cancer.
·Pesticides from farm workers, gardeners or park maintenance workers can easily be transported into the home and can cause many fatal illnesses.
Many pesticides are part of a deadly family of pesticides that came from chemicals that were developed as nerve gases during World War II. Please take that in for a moment. Chemicals that were specifically designed to kill all life forms quickly during wartime were approved by our government for use on our lawns, in our homes, and around our children. Toxic terrorism is taking place right now.
This family of organophosphate pesticides - nerve gases - were first synthesized in Germany before and during World War II. Tabun, Sarin, and Soman were made by Gerhard Schrader in the 1930s and '40s.
Sarin, still available today, is lethal to an adult human if only 1,700 mg gets on his or her skin. It doesn't even have to be taken internally to kill.
Sarin gained worldwide attention when on March 20, 1995, the Aum Shinrikyo, a terrorist group in Japan, placed Sarin on five subway trains traveling toward Kasumigaseki station. This subway stop is a common one for those working in Tokyo government offices. Twelve commuters died and over 5,000 were injured.
More than 100,000 human-made chemicals have been introduced into the environment in the past 50 years. More than 1,000 new chemicals are developed each year. Wherever you live, there are probably more than 250 synthetic industrial chemicals in your body that were not present in the bodies of your grandparents when they were your age.
A permanent ban on crop dusters would not only lessen a terrorist threat, but would lessen the daily toxic terrorism that is perpetrated on American lives and ecosystems - and all the Earth - every day. Pursuing the American Dream has many consequences. It is a trail covered with the blood of innocent children, women and men, considered by industry to be acceptable consequences of
The losses in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania are tragic, and my heart goes out to the victims and their families. But sadly, their numbers pale in comparison to the yearly death toll from existing toxic practices in the United States and around the world. Let's extend our outrage to the other many hundreds of thousands of senseless deaths around our nation and the world that occur because of our business-at-all-costs model for economic growth.
We don't have to wait to demand action on chemical terrorism - it's here today.
1. Read the tragic stories of those who have been poisoned by pesticides at:
2. Find out about pesticide poisoning and learn of alternatives at:
3. Track pesticide abuse from the Pesticide Action Network at:
4. See details of pesticide poisoning from the Soil Association
5. Visit the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides at:
6. The Rachel Carson Council's Guide to Pesticides can be found online at:
7. Read the Environmental Working Group reports at: http://www.ewg.org/pesticides/
8. Read about the facts of the sanctions against Iraq from Voices in the Wilderness and from Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq at:
9. Find out who your Congressional representatives are and e-mail them. Tell them that you want an end to ALL the senseless deaths that take place every year that are considered a consequence of progress and the pursuit of the American Dream. If you know your Zip code, you can find them at:
{Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. is a writer and teacher in Seattle. He can be found watching at all the outpouring of support for the tragic deaths on September 11 while millions of children and adults die each year, unnoticed. Please send your thoughts, comments, and visions to him at:
jackie@healingourworld.com and visit his website at:
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