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People can have a great impact on the health of a catchment, as described above. Not only do we use more water than other creatures, but we make major changes to catchments individually and collectively - some of which are beneficial, and some of which can do serious harm. In general, we have modified catchments so much that they no longer perform many of the useful functions that protect and support our communities. The following scenario describes a typical series of events undertaken by a community, with the unintended result that their catchment can no longer handle flood waters the way it once did:
¡¶ Deforestation reduces the soil's ability to hold as much water, greatly increasing runoff into local streams and rivers.
¡¶ Increased siltation from deforested slopes changes the shape of river bed and banks, which can lead to changes in the flood regime.
¡¶ Farmers and city planners drain wetlands, thus removing the catchment's natural "sponges" which absorb run-off and rain.
¡¶ Urbanization leads to paved roads, more buildings and less open space. The result is a dramatic increase in runoff, since rooftops and paved roads prevent water from infiltrating.
¡¶ As land pressures increase, more people build permanent structures in the river's floodplain, thus increasing pressure to try to stop floods with dams.
¡¶ Finally, a dam is built for flood control and other uses, and the catchment is permanently changed. The floodplain no longer serves the ecological function it once did for the community, and more people move into the most flood-prone lands, believing they will be protected from all floods. The dam reduces the frequency of floods, but does not prevent the biggest, most damaging floods from occurring. The result: more expensive damages from floods than ever before.
It takes a lot of actions by a lot of people to do this much damage, but unfortunately it is all too common. The good news is that humans can also be great caretakers of their catchments - all it takes is knowledge and the will to make a difference. Individual actions add up to real change. The next section describes some of the ways people have changed catchments for the worse, followed by sections describing ways we can make positive changes.