





Fuel Cells





A fuel cell produces energy electrochemically, without combustion, by harnessing the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, water and heat - and almost no pollution. A fuel cell ike a battery but, unlike a battery, it does not run down or require recharging. It will produce energy as long as fuel is supplied. Natural gas or other fuels can be used if the fuel cell has a reformer to convert the fuel to hydrogen. Fuel cells are a very efficient form of energy production. And the good news for dry regions like Southern Africa is that, unlike high-pressure steam turbines and other power-production technologies, fuel cells consume very little water.

Fuel cells can be used to power vehicles, individual buildings and large-scale utilities. They offer a very decentralized form of power production, since they can be put to use as needed at individual buildings or at local power plants, making long-range transmission wires unnecessary. The technology has the potential to have a big impact in reducing worldwide greenhouse emissions: for example, 10,000 fuel-cell vehicles running on non-petroleum fuel would reduce oil consumption by 6.98 million gallons per year. Fuel-cell cars are expected to be widely available by 2003 or even sooner. Fuel cell automobiles offer the advantages of battery-powered (electric) vehicles but can be refueled more quickly and go longer between refuelings. A recent study by General Motors noted that fuel cell car engines could be built for about the same price as an internal combustion engine.

Fuel cells can also be used to take advantage of methane and carbon dioxide emissions produced by wastewater treatment facilities. The US has a number of fuel cell installations at wastewater treatment plants, which not only produce electric power and heat for the community but also eliminate the pollution produced as a by-product of wastewater treatment.

Fuel cells can promote energy diversity and a transition to renewable energy sources. A variety of fuels - hydrogen, methanol, ethanol, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas - can be used. Energy also could be supplied by biomass, wind and solar energy.








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