(編按一:合陽技術passive solar technology,就是與太陽「和平」相處,甚至可與太陽「合作」的技術,例如「冬暖夏涼」房屋的格式與建材選擇,便是利用「合陽」此一基礎概念而建造的節能式建築。在台灣一般的電力使用仍是相當的任意,極少有「效率」層面上的考量;正當環境的能量旺盛(晴天大太陽)時,台灣地區普遍的電力使用方式卻是對抗太陽,如讓室內空調維持在「強冷」的狀態等等,進而造成夏季的缺電高峰期的現象。倘若能有較好的絕緣及氣流的疏導,順應環境能量的變化,與太陽「和平相處」,將可省下可觀的電力。對於受亞熱帶氣候影響的台灣,合陽技術實具有更高的經濟效益。)
像生態顧問的專案一樣,「可持續發展行動方案」(Sihlangene ngezeZindlu)提倡為那些過去遭到不當開發計畫危害的南非社區,建造「對環境友善」的住宅。這個為期三年的專案整合了維護工作、培訓、拓展以及建立網絡聯繫功能,以建立成千上萬新的生態家園為目標,為建築、金融、培訓和物料等領域引進改變。在一些團體的先導工作如Kutlwanong市民整合式住宅信託組織、新星基金會、 Thlolego學習中心、非洲夥伴公司(PEER Africa)、Holm Jordaan and Partners公司的基礎上,這項計畫促進了對健康、對環境有利的低成本住宅的發展。
(編按二:(1)PEER Africa在非洲大陸各地開發創新的環保與節能的計畫,目的是可持續的經濟發展。(2) Thlolego Learning Centre是南非的地方性民間團體,推廣永續農業。(3) the Nova Foundation南非的非政府組織,其主要任務是消除貧窮。(4) Holm Jordaan and Partners是南非的建商公司,規劃節能節水型式的建築。)
版權歸屬 國際河網IRN,環境資訊協會(陶俊 譯,李傑、李瑞玉 審校)
中英對照全文:http://e-info.org.tw/issue/water/2001/is-water-irn01121001.htm |
Eco-Housing for South Africa's Poor
The International Institute for Energy Conservation - Africa (IIEC-Africa) is working with a network of South African organisations to support the new policy direction of the Department of Housing, as well as contribute to more sound energy practices in the country. IIEC is an international NGO founded in 1984 to promote sustainable energy policies, technologies and practices in the world's developing economies. IIEC has offices in Johannesburg (since lqq6), Bangkok, London, and Washington. IIEC's experience has shown that through conserving energy, countries can meet rising demand for energy services at a much lower cost, allowing them to concentrate resources on other development priorities such as education and health-care.
IIEC-Africa's work centers around partnerships and projects in renewable energy, low-cost sustainable housing, greenhouse gas mitigation and sustainable transport. The group runs two housing projects: Eco Home Advisors, and the Sustainable Homes Initiative.
Changing the face of South Africa's housing sector requires good examples, and that is the motivation behind the Eco-Home Advisors programme. The programme promotes passive-solar, energy efficient housing and smart water- and waste-management. Water conservation measures include low-flow showerheads and dual flush toilets, as well as the use of grey-water for gardens. The advisors also encourage community greening practices to promote food security and community beautification through gardening and tree planting.
The Eco Home Advisors programme trains housing delivery groups in environmentally sound construction principles. Following training, advisors selected by the local partner organizations work to realize change within their housing delivery area. IIEC-Africa is working through its partner organizations, such as Afesis-corplan in East London and Development Focus in Pietersburg, to bring Eco-Homes to people in five provinces. The Eco-home pilot projects being conducted by these partner organizations will serve as provincial 'best practice' demonstration sites, and thereby spur replication. IIEC-Africa hopes to have at least one advisor in all nine provinces by early 2000.
Like the Advisor's programme, the Sustainable Homes Initiative (Sihlangene ngezeZindlu) promotes environmentally sound housing among the historically disadvantaged communities of South Africa. This three-year programme incorporates a range of support, training, outreach and networking functions to bring about a change in the building, finance, training and materials sectors with the objective of tens of thousands of new Eco Homes. Building off the pioneering work of groups like the Kutlwanong Civic Integrated Housing Trust, the Nova Foundation, the Thlolego Learning Centre, PEER Africa and Holm Jordaan and Partners, this project promotes healthy and environmentally sound low-cost housing.
IIEC-Africa is also working with the Department of Housing to explore special finance schemes that could be made available to commercial builders who adopt ecohome construction practices. This financing programme will be modelled after 'green finance' incentive programmes in the UK and other countries.
The crown of the Initiative is surely the opportunity for free technical assistance to low-income communities who wish to have Eco-homes built. Called the "Green Professionals Scheme," project resources have been set aside to cover the consulting fees of experts to spend a limited amount of time working on a project to ensure that their housing project incorporates at least the no-cost Ecohome measures.