《大壩之外:解決能源問題和流域規劃的新方法》(1997),茱麗葉•瑪荷特,國際河網出版。這份報告「試圖思索著一個並非以新的大型水力發電站為發電優先選擇的世界。」該報告描述了世界能源的狀況、目前的規劃過程以及何以這些能源規劃偏愛大壩之類專案,還有如何改進能源規劃中的優先順序,以及去尋找其他方案來代替大型水壩。小規模的水力發電站儘管也存在著其自身的一系列潛在問題,但它對於不斷增長的能源需求而言,卻是一種破壞性較小的能源選擇。該報告探索了此種解決方法的利弊所在,其中部分資料包括一些在發展小規模水力發電站上有經驗國家的重要案例的研究。這些國家包括挪威、尼泊爾、中國、斯里蘭卡和秘魯。欲知更多資訊,可與國際河網聯絡,通訊地址:1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94703; 電子信箱:irn@irn.org;網址:www.irn.org.
《世界淡水資源的綜合評估》(系列報告),由斯德哥爾摩環境研究所編著。該系列共含8份關於世界淡水資源問題的報告,包括可持續城市衛生及用水、政策議題、與水資源利用相關的性別議題、淡水管理的模式及其問題。欲知更多資訊:請聯絡斯德哥爾摩環境機構通訊部,斯德哥爾摩,瑞典S-103 14,信箱2142, 電子信箱:orders@sei.se;網址:www.sei.se/
《最後的綠洲:面臨缺水》(1992年),作者珊德拉•波思岱爾。該書是「世界觀察環境警訊」叢書中的一冊,由紐約及倫敦的WW Norton ST公司出版。隨著世界進入缺水時代,就需要有一些新的解決辦法,以避免發生水的戰爭。該書是一本優秀著作,它審查了水資源於生態、經濟及政治方面的限度,並描述如何做到既能減少用水量,而不會降低經濟產能或生活品質。
《納米比亞西部的生命線:壽命短暫的河流及其集水流域》(1995),這是一部關於南部非洲最乾旱地區之一的水管理問題的影片。這部片長40分鐘的彩色影片展現了上游社區如何通過過度抽取地下水、建造小型水壩來阻止季節性洪水泛濫等行為而威脅到下游社區居民的生計和生態系統。該片所提供的總體資訊:在地區性的水管理方面,「對集水流域的清楚認識必須成為指導原則」,必須將所有的用戶都考慮在內 -- 包括環境。欲知更多資訊:請聯絡Doxa 生產公司,10 Camp Street, Gardens, South Africa;納米比亞的沙漠研究基金會有一本同名的書籍可供出售(請見上述通訊地址)。
《納米比亞的淡水資源狀況》(1997年),由J. A. Day編著;《使用自然資源方法的可持續水資源管理》(1997年),由納米比亞環境和旅遊部的環境事務理事會的G. M. Lange編著。這是兩份寫的很好的關於納米比亞水資源狀況的官方報告。環境和旅遊部,環境事務理事會DEA出版部提供:納米比亞,溫得和克私人信箱133306。
版權歸屬國際河網IRN,環境資訊協會(陶俊 譯,吳國玢、李瑞玉 審校)
The following is a limited list of good publications on river, water and energy issues.
Beyond Big Dams: A New Approach to Energy Sector and Watershed Planning (1997), edited by Juliette Majot. Published by International Rivers Network. This report "sets out to consider a world in which new large-scale hydropower is not a preferred option for electricity generation." The report describes the world energy situation, current planning processes and why they favor projects like large dams, how to improve energy-planning priorities, and alternatives to large-scale dams. Small-scale hydropower offers a less destructive energy option to meet growing energy demand, though it has its own set of potential problems. The report explores the pros and cons of this approach, in part through valuable case studies from countries that have experience with small-scale hydro, including Norway, Nepal, China, Sri Lanka and Peru. For more information: International Rivers Network, 1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94703; Email:
irn@irn.org; web: www.irn.org.
Comprehensive Assessment of the Freshwater Resources of the World (series), produced by the Stockholm Environment Institute. A series of 8 reports on a number of problems in the world's freshwater resources, including sustainable urban sanitation and water availability, policy issues, gender issues around water, and patterns and problems in freshwater management. For more information: Stockholm Environment Institute, Communications, Box 2142, S-103 14 Stockholm, Sweden. Email:
orders@sei.se; Web: www.sei.se/
Dams as Aid: A Political Anatomy of Nordic Development Thinking (1997), edited by Ann Danaiya Usher. Published by Routledge, London, UK. The introduction states, "This collection of essays starts from three premises: that large dams cause serious environmental and social impacts; that public opposition to dams exists in virtually every country where there is the democratic space to express dissent; and that because the negative effects of dams are borne disproportionately by the poor, Western donors face an intractable dilemma when they give dams as aid. This book is about how aid agencies handle that dilemma." One of its three case studies is on Tanzania's Pagani Dam.
Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity (1992), by Sandra Postel. Part of the Worldwatch Environmental Alert Series. WW Norton ST Company, New York Sr London. As the world enters an era of water scarcity, new solutions are needed to avoid water wars. This excellent book examines the ecological, economic and political limits of water, and describes how water use can be cut without reducing economic output or quality of life.
Lifelines of Western Namibia: Ephemeral Rivers and their Catchments (1995). A video about water management issues in one of southern Africa's driest places. The 40-minute color video reveals how upstream communities threaten the livelihoods and ecosystems of downstream communities by over-pumping aquifers and creating small dams to hold back the seasonal floods. The overall message: "Catchment awareness must be the guiding principal" in the region's water management, taking into account all users - including the environment. For more information: Doxa Productions, 10 Camp Street, Gardens, South Africa. A book of the same name is available from The Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (see address above).
Watersheds of the World: Ecological Value and Vulnerability (1998), by Janet Abramovitz et al. A joint publication by the World Resources Institute and WorldWatch Institute. Includes detailed watershed maps of southern African river systems, including the Okavango, Limpopo, Jubba, Congo, Lake Chad, Nile, Niger, Okavango, Orange, Volta and others. The maps describe changes to watersheds with statistics about threatened fish species, loss of forest cover, erosion and urban growth, among other things. For more information: WRI Publications, PO. Box 4852, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA.
Sharing Water in Southern Africa (1997), by the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia. This well-illustrated, thorough book describes the severe water constraints that affect most of the region's 11 nations and evaluates water-management methods. It also lays out the difficult choices that will need to be made in coming years if the region is to avert a water-management crisis while also addressing growth and economic development in a sustainable way. A valuable resource. For more information: DRFN, P.O. Box 20232, Windhoek, Namibia.
The Status of Freshwater Resources in Namibia (1997) by J.A. Day, and An Approach to Sustainable Water Management Using Natural Resource Accounts (1997), by G.M. Lange Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Namibia. Two good official reports on the status of water resources in Namibia. Available from DEA Publications Dept., Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Private Bag 133306, Windhoek, Namibia.