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If there is a large-scale water development project proposed for your area, the following questions will reveal where potential problems lie, and may help you become an active participant in a project's planning. Some of these questions may require you to get outside expert help, if your group is unable to evaluate the information internally - for example, an economist could help you evaluate the project's economics, or a hydrologist or ecologist with questions about impacts to the river.
Not all of the following questions apply to all projects. These questions are adapted from a helpful guide, called "Questions to Ask About Water Projects," written by Gerald Meral, former deputy director of California's Department of Water Resources. As Dr. Meral wrote, "The art and science of identifying project benefits is sufficiently well developed, and few project advantages are ever omitted. But the optimistic enthusiasm of water-project sponsors frequently leads them to overlook potentially negative impacts. These questions are designed to reveal previously unidentified problems or costs."
Project Description
¡¶Is the entire project described? Are future additions included?
¡¶What is the implementation schedule?
¡¶What is the plan for public involvement?
¡¶Are the project's objectives properly describer in terms of the needs it is supposed to meet rather than its structural features? For instance, a proper objective would be, "Develop programmes to match energy needs with energy supply." This allows for a better analysis of all alternatives than a project with the objective, "To build a dam that can produce 500 megawatts of power."
Project Economics
¡¶Does the project schedule reflect actual experience in the region? (Project economics can be thrown off if a project is delayed or takes longer than expected to build.)
¡¶Is a realistic inflation of project costs included in the final cost?
¡¶Are loan interest rates consistent with probable rates at time of bond sale or loan?
¡¶Are project mitigation measures fully and fairly costed out? The total should include development, operation, maintenance costs, and possible decommissioning costs.
¡¶Does the project's economic analysis fully and fairly cost out environmental and social costs and benefits? (For example, hydrodams with large reservoirs in dry climates will evaporate large quantities of water. Has the lost water been properly valued?) Frequently excluded costs to be
¡@¡Ðlost local jobs (agriculture, fisheries, recreation and tourism jobs);
¡@¡Ðfull relocation costs, including those to help people re-establish livelihoods;
¡@¡Ðlost economic values of natural ecosystem functions, such as the water-purification values of wetlands, and erosion-control and groundwater recharge benefits of forests and savannah.
¡¶What subsidies are included? For example, will large corporations receive power subsidies? Will any taxes be waived to pay for any part of the project? Will power supply aspects of the project subsidize other aspects of it, such as water supply or navigation?
¡¶Are distribution costs included in the cost of the project (e.g., power lines, water delivery system)?
¡¶Will the water need to be treated for human use, and are those costs included?
Risks and Uncertainties
¡¶Are per-capita demand projections for the power or water included? Do projections reflect a full commitment to an aggressive conservation programme? Are projections up-to-date and do they account for all recent changes that could affect demand (such as economic downturns reducing the need for power, or slowdowns, in population growth in the region)?
¡¶Are there adequate contingencies included in project cost estimates for all of the following unforeseen problems: project delays due to strikes, adverse weather, unexpected construction conditions (for example, adverse tunneling conditions, or re-evaluation of seismic risks), re-engineering, lawsuits, drought during operation, accidents, civil disobedience or political unrest?
¡¶Does the analysis compare the risks of the proposed project to the risks of alternatives?
¡¶Are there signed contracts for the project's power or water?
¡¶It Irrigation projects: Are agricultural needs for water consistent with the availability of good farmland with good drainage (since irrigating lands with poor drainage will soon lead to salinization problems)? Will market trends for crops grown in the area to be irrigated support agriculture's ability to pay for the water? Are subsidies being paid for these kinds of crops already?
¡¶What is the risk that higher rates to consumers, conservation or other factors will significantly reduce the demand for the project's output?
¡¶Has the risk of dam failure or other structural problems been adequately assessed?