舉美國一個成功案例--愛達荷和懷俄明州的Henry's Fork流域協會(Henry's Fork Watershed Council)。其成立的原因是,該流域中至少有25個擁有管轄權的聯邦、州和地方政府機關,當地又面臨很多的威脅,包括污染的農業用水外流、水壩及日益增加的灌溉用水需求。機關間的缺乏協調使得該匯水盆地問題日趨嚴重,於是乎成立這個團體,全盤地評估整個集水區的工程及各項問題。該團體成員包括在該集水區居住、謀生或擔負法律責任的民眾、科學家和民意代表。
Henry's Fork流域協會已制定出以下10項準則,用來評估該集水區內提案實施的工程或規劃的利與弊。這些準則乃是從一份囊括80項為維護集水區健康活力的集思廣益中篩選出來的構想。這些準則分別是:
版權歸屬 國際河網IRN, 環境信託基金會(金霞 譯,吳國玢、李傑、張正慈 審校)
中英對照全文:http://news.ngo.org.tw/issue/water/2001/issue-water-irn01050701.htm |
Catchment or watershed groups are springing up all around the world. These groups take an active role in catchment protection and management. There are a number of approaches for such groups, depending on the group's focus. It may be primarily to inform people about local water issues, to fight projects that will greatly harm the catchment, to restore ecosystems in the catchment, to monitor and manage these ecosystems to protect plant and animal species, or some combination of these. A group's reasons for coming together can be as varied as the problems they are trying to address. Perhaps there are too many agencies with conflicting goals working in the catchment, fragmenting planning and leading to poor decisions. Or perhaps existing laws that deal with catchment protection are not being enforced.
One successful group in the United States, the Henry's Fork Watershed Council in Idaho and Wyoming, was formed because there were at least 25 federal, state and local agencies with management jurisdiction in the watershed. The area faced a number of threats, including polluted agricultural runoff, dams and increasing demands for irrigation water. Lack of agency coordination was making problems worse in the basin. The group came into being to evaluate projects and problems from an overall catchment perspective. Members include citizens, scientists and agency representatives who reside, make a living in or have legal responsibilities in the
Janice Brown, the group's executive director, said, "We need to clarify the misunderstanding that 'consensus' can only be achieved through compromise. Rather than settling for' common ground,' we had better be moving to 'higher ground' where achieving harmony among all interests becomes far more important than plunking ourselves down between two extremes." The group has successfully built trust between historic adversaries, such as fishermen and farmers.
The Henry's Fork Watershed Council has developed the following 10 criteria for evaluating the merits of projects or programmes being proposed in their catchment. The criteria were distilled from a list of 80 different ideas for catchment health and vitality. The criteria are:
▲Catchment Perspective: Does the project employ or reflect a total catchment perspective?
▲Credibility: Is the project based on credible research or scientific data?
▲Problem and Solution: Does the project clearly identify the resource problems and propose workable solutions that consider the relevant resources?
▲Water Supply: Does the project demonstrate an understanding of water supply?
▲Project Management: Does project management employ accepted or innovative practices, set realistic time frames for their implementation, and employ an effective monitoring plan?
▲Sustainability: Does the project emphasize sustainable ecosystems?
▲social and Cultural: Does the project sufficiently address the catchment's social and cultural concerns?
▲Economy: Does the project promote economic diversity with-in the catchment and help sustain a healthy economic base?
▲Cooperation and Coordination: Does the project maximize cooperation among all parties and demonstrate sufficient coordination among appropriate groups or agencies?
▲Legality: Is the project lawful and respectful of agencies' legal responsibilities?