Okavanga聯絡集團(OLG)是一個由一些非政府組織、社區,以及?Okavanga河及其三角洲的可持續性發展工作的個人所組成的地區性聯合會。OLG 的基本目標在於提高社區對Okavanga河三角洲在人們生活中的重要性的認識,從而確保它能夠得到人們的保護。三角洲是30個社區共約10萬居民的家園。這些人中至少有15%直接從該河中汲取日常用水,而大多數人靠這條河來種植藥用植物、捕魚、獲取建造棚屋的材料,以及其他對居民生計非常重要的自然資源。
OIG還發起了一次教育運動,向關係人士和社區傳授基本的Okavango 河及其三角洲生態系統的基本原動力和功能。該專案的統籌者Olive Sephuma聲稱:「我們正在開發用於這次運動的教學資料,包括小冊子、幻燈片、教學錄像帶以及河流模型等。OLG 還已開始訪問各所初級中學,與學生們交談有關Okavango河的事情。在世界水日那一天,我們還舉辦了一個大型活動,對社區進行集水流域的教育。」此次活動包括以「Okavango河之水屬誰家?」為主題的啟發性討論。將來,OIG希望組織其他一些有關Okavango流域的問題的公開辯論。
版權歸屬Earth Day Network,環境信託基金會(陶俊 譯,吳國玢、張正慈 審校)
■基層民間團體為整治「潔淨、安全」的河流而努力 |
The Okavango Liaison Group (OLG) is a regional coalition of non-governmental organisations, communities and individuals working for the sustainable development of the Okavango River and Delta. A primary goal of OLG is to increase community awareness of the importance of the Okavango Delta in people's lives, and thereby ensure its protection. The Delta is home to 30 communities with approximately loo,ooo people. At least 15 percent of these people draw their water for domestic use directly from the river, and most rely on the river for medicinal plants, fish, reeds for building their huts, and other natural resources important to their livelihoods.
The group's goals are as follows:
▲To enhance and facilitate the participation and contribution of various stakeholders in management efforts on the Delta;
▲To increase stakeholders' awareness and understanding of the Okavango's unique ecosystem dynamics and functions and foster a stewardship ethic;
▲To establish networks among stakeholders and nongovernmental organisations within the region;
▲To monitor proposed developments in the catchment. OLG will be involved in an Integrated Basinwide Management Plan for the Okavango River and Delta. OLG's main objective is to work with OI(ACOM, the official planning body, to facilitate public participation in the process. The group will hold a series of basin stakeholder workshops to bring local people into the process.
The OIG has also launched an education campaign to teach stakeholders and communities about the basic dynamics and functions of the Okavango River and Delta ecosystem. Says project coordinator Olive Sephuma, "We are developing educational materials that will be used in this campaign such as booklets, slides, an educational video and a model of the river. The OLG has also begun visiting junior secondary schools to talk to students about the Okavango River, and on World Water Day we held a major event to educate communities about the catchment." the event included an enlightening discussion on the topic of "Whose water is the Okavango River?" In future, the OLG hopes to organise other public debates covering issues on the Okavango
For more information, see Contacts.