






Industrial Water Conservation



版權歸屬 國際河網IRN,環境資訊協會(陶俊 譯,吳國玢、李瑞玉 審校)


Industry is, generally speaking, water-intensive. According to South Africa's Department of Water Affairs, a factory can use 450,000 litres of water to produce a small car, 130 litres to produce a bicycle, and 53 litres to make a pair of shoes. Coal mining in Mozambique has been estimated to use up to 1 cubic meter per second in the mining and washing process. Although water use for the industrial sector is relatively low in Africa (for example, it is under 8% in South Africa), there is still much room for improvement. In some parts of the world, certain water-intensive industries have greatly reduced the amount of water needed for production, including chemicals, iron and steel, and paper. In some countries these industries are both reusing and recycling water in current production processes and redesigning production to require less water. For example, in the US, industrial water use dropped by over one-third between 1950 and 1990, while industrial output nearly quadrupled. In the former West Germany the total amount of water used in industry today is the same as in 1975, while industrial output has risen by nearly 45 percent. In Sweden, strict pollution-control measures have cut water use in half in the pulp and paper industry, while production has doubled in little more than a decade. 

Progress has been slow in developing countries, however. In China, for instance, the amount of water needed to produce a ton of steel ranges from 23 to 56 cubic metres, whereas in the US, Japan and Germany, the average is less than 6 cubic metres. Similarly, a ton of paper produced in China requires around 450 cubic metres of water, twice as much as used in European countries. China now faces severe, chronic water shortages in many of its largest watersheds. China's Yellow River, one of its largest rivers, is now considered to be ephemeral because it is so over-allocated. China also has more than 100 cities that are sinking dangerously due to excessive extraction of groundwater.








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