版權歸屬 國際河網IRN,環境資訊協會(金霞
譯,吳國玢、李瑞玉 審校)
Groundwater Replenishment
Groundwater currently makes up a large part of the water supply of many Southern African countries. While some countries appear to have plentiful groundwater resources, others recognize that in some cases their water supply aquifers are being rapidly depleted. Because of the region's erratic rainfall pattern, it is not uncommon for water managers to temporarily over-extract water from certain aquifers to make it through dry periods, and allow aquifers to recharge during wetter years. But longterm over-pumping of groundwater can cause the water table to drop (up to hundreds of metres), or allow salty water to be move into the water table, making it unpotable or causing land subsidence. Usually aquifers will recover if allowed to rest and recharge, but they can compress when water is removed and never regain their previous storage capacity.
Namibia has been studying the possibility of using aquifers as underground reservoirs to stretch existing surface supplies. By artificially injecting certain aquifers with purified surface water to be extracted later, the Windhoek municipality hopes to reduce the amount of water lost each year to evaporation. The city estimates that it could save more than 10 percent of its water supply using this method.
In India, two-thirds of the villages in Gujarat now have no permanent, reliable source of water, mainly because of the over-exploitation of groundwater. To help solve the problem, villagers are building small earthen impoundments across seasonal streams to create a small pond during the monsoon, which is used to recharge groundwater supplies. After the monsoon, the pond gradually recedes. The impoundments are only used to restore the groundwater, and are never tapped directly for water supply. The technology is very simple, relatively cheap to build, and easy to maintain. A government-funded group helps villagers design and pay for the impoundments. Villagers are responsible for building and maintaining their impoundments, and about 20 percent of the building costs. One Indian engineer believes such projects could ultimately collect up to 50 percent of the water that falls on the state.
Groundwater dams provide another way to replenish groundwater. These are underground water barriers which trap groundwater in a certain area and prevent it from flowing away underground. In some areas the groundwater table has fallen so dramatically that even a good rainfall will not raise the water table. By collecting rainwater in these underground reservoirs, the water table in some places has risen from a depth of 200 feet to 20 feet. People in India's deserts have been using this kind of technology for centuries, and now this practice has been introduced to the hillsides as well. The head of one village stated, "Dried wells now hold water round the year."
Rainwater Harvesting
In Africa and elsewhere around the world, more communities are returning to small-scale water harvesting, often using a system that collects water from house rooftops. A January 19, 1999 article in the Ethiopian newspaper The Monitor describes a successful roof water harvesting programme begun by the Ministry of Agriculture with help from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and a local NGO called Water Action. "This new introduction can enable households to save water that they can use for drinking purposes for up to five months, and with an average size reservoir. Such households might even have some extra water to spare for garden plants." The only issue for most Ethiopians, the article notes, is the cost. The water tank, water conduit system and gutter cost more than most farmers can afford. It is hoped that the programme will get wider usage with the help of subsidies through international aid agencies, and research efforts to bring down the cost of the materials.
A South African group, Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD - see Contacts), has created an information sheet on how to collect water from the roof of a house, school or other building. The group calculates that for every 30mm of rain falling, a house with a 50-square-metre roof designed to funnel it into a water tank could collect 1200 litres. AWARD estimates that this could save a person 16 trips to the local water-collection source. The group estimates tank costs at anywhere from R180 for a 2500 litre concrete block tank to R1000 for a 4500 litre steel tank purchased from a manufacturer.