




中國地下水位的酷刑-地下水位正急速下降 (下)

Chinese Water Table Torture China's water table levels are dropping fast







  中國的小麥何去何從?(照片提供 美國農業部)





by Lester R. Brown

Against the Grain

Water scarcity is only one of many environmental and economic factors threatening China's grain production. China has been striving tirelessly to maintain self-sufficient grain production since 1994. It has done so by raising support prices of grain well above the world market level, by over-plowing land on a scale that helped create the world's largest dust bowl, and by over-pumping the aquifers under the North China Plain.

Weak prices, falling water tables, and severe drought together caused the grain harvest in 2001 to drop to 335 million tons, down from the all-time high of 392 million tons in 1998. This year's harvest will fall short of projected consumption by 46 million tons, easily the biggest grain shortage in China's history. This dramatic deficit, coming as it does on the heels of last year's 34 million-ton shortfall, raises serious questions about future food security.

The combination of back-to-back shortages and China's reluctance to import grain have caused the nation's grain reserves to fall by roughly 81 million tons. With accessible grain stocks now largely depleted, another sizable crop shortfall in 2002 would almost certainly force China to import large amounts of grain to prevent soaring food prices.

China's grain imports could climb quickly, as its recent experience with soybeans shows. When grain support prices were raised in 1994, resources were diverted from soybeans, the nation's fourth-biggest crop after wheat, rice, and corn. As a result, the soybean harvest has fallen 6 percent since 1994, while demand has doubled. In an abrupt turnaround, China has gone from being a small net exporter of soybeans in 1993 to being the world's largest importer in 2001, bringing in 14 million of the 30 million tons it consumes.

Whither China's wheat? Photo: USDA.

If China joins the World Trade Organization in late 2001, as expected, it must promise to import 7 million tons of wheat and 5 million tons of corn. But if the nation has another sizable grain harvest shortfall in 2002, it will likely be forced to import far more.

With its aquifers being depleted, China must consider its options for reestablishing a balance between water use and supply. Three possible initiatives stand out: diversion of water from the south to the north, water conservation, and grain imports. A south/north diversion to transport water from the Yangtze River Basin would cost tens of billions of dollars and displace hundreds of thousands of people. A comparable investment in more water-efficient industrial practices, more water-efficient household appliances, and, above all, more-efficient irrigation practices would likely yield more water. Since it takes 1,000 tons of water to produce one ton of grain, importing grain is the most efficient way to import water.

Regardless of whether it concentrates solely on conservation or also does a south/north diversion, China will almost certainly have to turn to the world market for grain imports. If it imports even 10 percent of its grain supply -- 40 million tons -- it will become the world's largest grain importer overnight, putting intense pressure on exportable grain supplies and driving up global prices. If this happens, we won't need to read about it in the newspapers. We'll learn the hard way, at the grocery store checkout counter.(2001.10.26)

Lester R. Brown is founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute, and founder and chair of the board of the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C.








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