故事的主角小燕鷗 Little Tern (Sterna albifrons)在台灣是夏候鳥,在台灣本島應該是唯一有繁殖紀錄的鷗科鳥類,其它鷗科鳥類都是在澎湖、馬祖等外島繁殖。在冬季時,最遠甚至可以到澳洲度冬,兩地相距大約是五至六千公里左右。在由農委會所制定的保育類野生動物名錄裡,小燕鷗是少數水鳥之一。
Crickets were singing, grasshoppers were jumping.
Not having seen you for so long a time, my heart was
Now I have seen you, now I have held you,
It is a time for rejoicing.
I went to South Hill, gathering
fiddle-heads for food.
Not having seen you for so long a time, I was forlorn.
Now I have seen you, now I have held you,
I am totally enthralled.
I went to South Hill, gathering wild beans for food.
Not having seen you for so long a time, my heart was grieving.
Now I have seen you, now I have held you,
Peace again engulfs my heart.