作者:傑奇•艾倫•朱利安諾 博士
--- 道華•馬可沃
每年這個時候,太陽每天造訪華盛頓州西雅圖的時間愈來愈長;湖水和溪流閃閃發光,居民及訪客也享受著溫暖而清爽的空氣。但是今年,這個時節卻也把污點 -- 一塊血漬 -- 帶來這個綠寶石城市。數千隻堂皇的加拿大雁被圈捕和謀殺;牠們被判處死刑的原因是:在公園、高爾夫球場,以及私有財產上排便。


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版權所有Environmental News Service,環境資訊協會 (謝洵怡 譯,陳潁峰、蔡麗伶 審校)
/is-animal01110701.htm |
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
May I, may you, may we
not die unlived lives.
May none of us live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
May we choose to inhabit our days,
to allow our living to open us,
to make us less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen our hearts
until they become wings,
torches, promises.
May each of us choose to risk our significance;
to live so that which comes to us as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which comes to us as blossom,
goes on as fruit.
-- Dawna Markova
This time of year, the Sun visits Seattle, Washington more and more each day, sparkling off the lakes and streams as residents and visitors enjoy warm, crisp air. But this time of year also brings a stain - a blood stain - to the Emerald City as thousands of majestic Canada geese are rounded up and murdered. Their capital offense: they have defecated on parks, golf courses and private property.

Canada geese in Seattle (Photos (c) Jackie Giuliano)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has management responsibility over the Canada geese, a protected migratory species. This year, the USFWS granted a permit for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services to round up and kill 4,200 Canada geese in Western Washington, an area with 20,000 to 25,000 birds.
Last year, the USDA was permitted to round up and kill 3,500 geese. Similar permits were issued all over the United States.
Critics of the geese are mostly affluent people who dislike the birds on their lawns. In some agricultural areas, they have been known to damage crops. Some people claim that parasites in the fecal material are a danger and that it increases the algae in waterways, jeopardizing aquatic life. Yet there have been no documented cases of illness from contact with the fecal matter of geese.
Most people complain that it is just plain messy, and the Seattle Parks Department has been unable to come up with a way to clean the parks.
They claim that non-lethal solutions are either too expensive or have been tried - such as using dogs to chase them away, putting fake eggs in their nests to reduce reproduction, and coating eggs with oil to kill them - but their attempts have been half-hearted at best.
As the former manager of the 534 acre Discovery Park, Seattle's largest park, I often observed the Parks Department ignoring the challenge to develop a meaningful solution to complex problems. Parks officials usually take the quickest, easiest path possible in order to silence the few, usually affluent, vocal individuals who have the ear of department management. When a homeowner in a multi-million dollar home adjacent to a park calls about overgrown grass, the department jumps. When the neighbors on my simple middle class street contacted the department to clear the path leading from Viewlands Elementary School to Carkeek Park, the request was ignored.
No public comment was sought before the department allowed USDA officials to begin sweeping the parks to kill the geese.

Protesters outside the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department
In a demonstration on June 26, opponents of the killings gathered outside the Parks Department headquarters in downtown Seattle. About 50 protesters, with signs such as "No Death Penalty for Pooping," encouraged motorists to honk if they support an end to the killing. There was much honking on the street. A police car passed the demonstration, and the police officers gave the demonstrators a thumbs-up. The activists believe that there is widespread support across the city to end the killing.
The Seattle Parks Department, headed by Superintendent Ken Bounds, is well known for not seeking true public involvement. When Parks Department officials do ask for input, they hand out flyers or send out a mailing to homes within 400 feet of the park property in question.
Usually, only a handful of people show up at a public meeting, sometimes as few as one or two. Rather than postpone the meeting, decisions are quietly made. Not even one of those inadequate public meetings has been held on the issue of killing Canada geese.