




環保先驅布勞爾的徒子徒孫們 新一代環保鬥士臉譜(下)

Brower Power
A spotlight on young enviro activists

 作者:蜜雪兒•奈休斯 (美國自由作家)

10 Aug 2004



  16歲的莉莉•唐住在加州的南帕沙第納市,在那兒,大自然有時顯得很遙遠。但當唐拜訪過阿洛宇溪(Arroyo Seco)─一個位於城市內卻仍未被開發的生物棲息地後,認為大自然遙不可及的感覺因此改變。「當我走到那兒,我便能感受到內心的平靜。」她說,「沒有城市的矯飾和噪音,我覺得大自然似乎全然地接受、擁抱了我。」



Lily Dong

Lily Dong.(Photo: Earth Island Institute)

  Sixteen-year-old Lily Dong lives in South Pasadena, Calif., where nature can sometimes seem very far away. But that feeling changes when Dong visits Arroyo Seco, a canyon that holds some of the last undeveloped habitat within the city. "When I go down there, I can feel peace," she says. "It doesn't have all the pretense and noise of the city -- nature is really accepting."

  Dong first visited the canyon in seventh grade, about a year after she and her family first arrived in the U.S. from China. As part of the Arroyo Field Science Team, she and her schoolmates documented the arroyo's elderberries, sycamores, live oaks, and other plants and animals. A year later, when the program faltered from lack of interest, she persevered; she was the only student to help the group's advisor continue his scientific work in the canyon. As a first-year high school student, Dong restarted the club, eventually boosting membership to 20 students. The revitalized group recently helped convince the South Pasadena City Council to protect a four-acre area as the Arroyo Seco Woodland and Wildlife Park, slated to open to the public this September. Dong and her group plan to stay involved with the study and restoration of the area. And Dong hopes to continue her adventures in nature.

  "I'm really interested in environmental work -- I want to be an ecologist," she says. She also wants to explore some of the West's big wilderness areas, but first, she says, she'll have to get her driver's license.


克莉絲蒂娜•王(圖片: 地球島嶼協會)

  在2004年的國情咨文中,布希總統只提到一項與自然保護有關的法案。在這場演說之後,加州柏克萊大學的三年級學生克莉絲蒂娜•王對她的環境政治學同學們發表了聲明:她是『自然保護投票人聯盟』的校園招募人,需要大家的幫助。「人們對於總統未能針對環境議題發表演說深感不滿。」在她發表聲明後,有五位同學願意一同合作。這個小組一整個春天在校園內擺放桌子,拉住路過的學生,並請他們志願參加「自然保護投票人聯盟」於夏天要在一些游離州, 如佛羅里達、新墨西哥、奧瑞崗和威斯康辛進行的活動。在學期結束前,王和她的小組已經找了20位學生,準備在長達63週的時間裡到游離州進行拉票。



Christina Wong

Christina Wong (Photo: Earth Island Institute)

  In his 2004 State of the Union address, President Bush made only a single passing reference to conservation issues. The day after the speech, University of California-Berkeley junior Christina Wong responded with an announcement to her environmental politics class: She was the campus recruiter for the national League of Conservation Voters, and she was looking for help. "People were pretty riled up" by the president's failure to address environmental issues, she remembers, and five of her classmates agreed to pitch in. The small group set up tables on campus, buttonholed students throughout the spring, and asked them to volunteer for the LCV's summer campaign in the swing states of Florida, New Mexico, Oregon, and Wisconsin. By the end of the semester, Wong and her crew had signed up 20 students for a total of 63 weeks of swing-state canvassing.

  President Bush's record came to Wong's aid on the campaign trail as well: "Most people don't know that Bush got an 'F'" from the LCV, she says. "It immediately opens their eyes when they hear it. They say, 'Wow, what is the President doing to earn an 'F'?"

  Wong, who has interned at the state capitol in Sacramento and with the Natural Resources Defense Council, says she will continue her environmental work after graduation next year -- even though grassroots organizing has its tough moments. "You get ignored 80 percent of the time," she says. "It bugs you to get rejected, but it makes up for it when you get someone who's really interested."


尤金•皮爾遜(圖片: 地球島嶼協會)




Eugene Pearson

Eugene Pearson (Photo: Earth Island Institute)

  University of Colorado student politician Eugene Pearson knows how to drive a hard bargain. When the school's administration proposed a hefty student fee increase to pay for the construction of a new university law school and three other campus buildings, Pearson defended both his constituents and the environment. The student government -- which is required to approve all student fee hikes -- agreed to pay the bill, but not without concessions.

  "We said, 'Let's do this on the students' terms,'" says Pearson, a Wisconsin native who was then vice president of the student union legislative council. "We wanted [the building project] done green, and we wanted it to be conscious of labor issues." Negotiations led to the administration's agreement to make all four new buildings meet the "silver" standard of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design building rating system, with 1 percent of building costs going toward meeting the even higher LEED gold standard. The university also agreed to pay project workers a living wage, and to earmark 20 percent of the new fee for student financial aid. Though the student body didn't vote on the fee increase and green-building plans, several thousand students testified during a public comment period, with supporters outnumbering opponents by 4-to-1.

Pearson, 21, is now president of the student union legislative council, and will graduate with a molecular biology degree in the fall of 2005. Ultimately, he says, he'd like to help bridge the worlds of science and politics, perhaps as a policy adviser on Capitol Hill.

版權歸屬Grist Magazine,台灣環境資訊協會(林俊呈 譯,郭啟彬 審校)








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