People of the West cross to this side;
People of the East cross to that side.
People of yesteryear return;
People of today remember.
Together we look at "the bright cherry blossoms."
Together we listen to "the autumn songs of the cricket."
Together we sing:
"The reed plumes are infinitely white,"
"The evening stars are infinitely bright."
From life flows love,
From love, poetry
In myriad forms:
"Sweet dimples frame her teasing smile;"
"The man in the blue collar has stolen my heart;"
"Give me a peach;" "We shall grow old together;"
"Why, why have you completely forgotten me?"
Remember, remember...
This side, that side...
We journey to each other
Across a narrow bridge,
Across oceans wide.
Note: Lines in quotation marks are phrases from "Airs
of States."