
line)或國家發長也會有所助益。(待續) |
Environmentalists and social development activists have traditionally
been wary of working with the corporate world. Today, however,
engagement with business is increasingly seen as an effective way to
safeguard our environment and enhance local livelihoods. The role of
business and, more generally, markets in pursuing sustainable
development, including biodiversity conservation, is to be addressed at
the upcoming 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress. The 3rd IUCN World
Conservation Congress will be held from November 17-25, 2004 in Bangkok,
Thailand, under the theme "People and Nature – only one world."
Conservationists, along with many community activists, have tended to
see business and markets as major threats to the environment and local
communities. Cases of ecological and social tragedies attributable to
'big business' abound. Wildlife loss, critical habitat destruction and
excessive pollution affect local communities and can often be linked to
commercial activities such as mining, logging operations and intensive
agriculture. Similarly, social instability can, in some cases, be
amplified by trade liberalization and market globalization.

Bridge to ecotourist delights in Costa Rica's
Monteverde Cloud Forest Bioreserve (Photo courtesy
Costa Rica Map)
Markets and biodiversity can, however, be strong allies. Today,
conservation and development groups, such as IUCN, seek to mobilize
private sector resources, such as technical skills, managerial and
marketing expertise, and investment capacity. They recognise that
business can be a power for good as well as for ill. Crucially,
companies are also seeing the business case for integrating biodiversity
in their day-to-day decisions.
Business is increasingly seen as an essential partner in conserving
biodiversity and improving livelihoods. By working with business,
conservationists and others are able to challenge unsustainable or
inequitable practices and policies. The market is a powerful beast. How
best to turn it to the advantage of the environment and local
"Some far-sighted conservationists and entrepreneurs are asking how
they can generate business opportunities out of environmental protection
and social development," said Dr. Joshua Bishop, senior adviser on
economics and the environment at IUCN. "We are seeing important
developments in pollution control, renewable resource management,
organic agriculture and eco-tourism. Doing good is good business."
True, moving towards sustainability typically increases upfront
costs, and the jury is still out on whether it eventually pays back to
go "clean and green." On an individual level, the sums are often clear
enough: buy a modern, energy efficient refrigerator and the greater
initial cost will be compensated by lower electricity bills.
Matters are sometimes more complex at the company and national level.
While eco-efficiency saves costs, the return from investing in
biodiversity may be difficult to measure.
Part of the challenge in convincing business and government leaders
to take a greener approach is that the statistics by which we measure
profit and progress are weighted against the environment and the poor.
It is difficult to prove that environmentally and socially good practice
helps the bottom line or contributes to national development. |